Three months part 3

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Andy: she does

Kevin: daddy can we please talk about something else

Andy: sure but your gonna call her

Kevin: no I'm not

Andy: yes you are

Kevin: I said no

Andy: okay that's enough you will call her that's final

Kevin: whatever

Andy parks his car in the precinct garage

Andy: okay come on

Kevin: can I stay in the car

Andy: no get out

Andy and kevin gets out of the car and enters the precinct

Dana: hey Andy

Andy: hey D

Dana: hey Kevin

Kevin: hi

Andy: any messages for me

Dana: just one

Andy: who

Dana: ex inlaws

Andy: Jesus okay thanks come on kid

Kevin: why are they calling

Andy: I don't know and when we get up there don't touch anything and stay in my office unless you gotta use the bathroom got it

Andy and kevin walk upstairs and Andy guided Kevin to his office

In Andy's office*

Kevin takes out his phone but Andy gave him a stern look

Kevin: what

Andy: homework take it out now and put the phone away

Kevin: but i–

Andy: if you tell me you don't got homework

Knock, knock

Andy: homework now come in

Kevin signs hard and pouts

Detective Reed: what's up little man

Kevin runs and hugs Ryan

Andy: you wanted something

Detective Reed: the parents are here

Andy: okay I'll be there

Detective Reed: and Andy

Andy: yeah

Detective Reed: chief is not gonna like this

Andy: like what

Detective Reed: the kid being here

Andy: well too bad

Detective Reed: okay

Ryan leaves Andy office and went into the interrogation room

Andy: stay here when I get back your homework better be done or it's your ass and if you take that Phone out I'm taking it

Kevin: what if I get hungry

Andy: I have food in the refrigerator

Kevin: but daddy that's cold

Andy goes up to his son and say

Andy: either you eat what's in there or starve got that

Kevin: yes sir

Life with Kevin WilsonWhere stories live. Discover now