First day at a new school

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In the middle of the night 

Kevin runs downstairs to the living room and turn on the tv and his dad hears the tv and walks in the living room 

Andy: Kevin it’s two in the morning what are you doing up

Kevin: I couldn’t sleep 

Andy: well I’ll get you a glass of milk 

Kevin: but I don’t want milk I want to stay up 

Andy: Kevin 

Kevin: daddy please 

Andy: I’m sorry but if it was the weekend I will let you but it’s a school night 

Kevin: can I sleep on the couch 

Andy: fine but the tv goes off in ten minutes understand 

Kevin: yes 

Andy leaves the living and goes back to his room and falls asleep

In the morning* 

Andy yawns and starts to get out of bed to go to the bathroom when he hears the tv so he decides to go to the living room and sees Kevin sleeping with the tv on 

Andy: KEVIN 

Kevin: what I’m tired 

Andy: did you sleep with the tv on 

Kevin: daddy 

Andy: don’t daddy me answer the question 

Kevin: yes 

Andy: I keep telling you over and over again if your not watching tv turn it off

Kevin: sorry it won’t happen again 

Andy: your tv privileges are gone 

Kevin: no daddy please I won’t do it again 

Andy: no last night I told you to turn off the tv and you left the tv on all night 

Kevin: not all night 

Andy: Kevin 

Kevin: fine I did 

Andy: no tv for a week and if you argue with me that will be two weeks 

Kevin: that’s so unfair 

Andy: go get ready for school now 

Kevin: I will not 

Andy: fine no tv for a month 

Kevin: what no 

Andy: either march yourself to the shower or you will not watch tv for two months 

Kevin: fine 

Andy: next time you will listen when I tell you to do something you do it understand me 

Kevin: I’m sorry 

Andy: do you understand me 

Kevin: yes sir 

Andy: good now go get ready for school and it better not be no toys in your bag 

Kevin: okay 

Andy: you have twenty minutes 

Kevin and Andy both go get ready 

Twenty minutes later 

In the kitchen* 

Kevin walks in the kitchen upset 

Andy: I made breakfast 

Kevin: not hungry 

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