Attitude problems

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The next morning

At Andy's house*

In Andy's room

Andy woke up and hopped in the shower for fifteen minutes then went upstairs to wake up Kevin

In Kevin's room*

Andy: Kevin it's time to wake up

Kevin: no

Andy: come on you gonna wake up it's almost six thirty

Kevin: daddy five more minutes

Andy: no get up now before you are late

Kevin: can I please stay home

Andy: no now your gonna be late

Kevin: but

Andy: take a shower and get dressed for school right now

Kevin: so unfair

Andy: if your not dressed in twenty minutes you won't have a good morning now get up

Kevin: fine

Andy: lose the attitude

Andy leaves his room and makes his way downstairs

Twenty minutes later Kevin is still not downstairs so Andy decides to go up to check on him

In Kevin's room*

Knock, knock

Andy: Kevin open this door right now

Kevin: okay wait

Kevin opens the door

Andy: you don't lock doors in my house

Kevin: I'm sorry

Andy: okay why aren't you dressed

Kevin: because I'm not going to school

Andy: yes you are now get dressed

Kevin: no I'm not

Andy: Kevin come on I'm tying be nice her get dressed

Kevin: I told you I wasn't fucking going

Andy: I'm sorry what did you just say

Kevin: I said

Andy: what have I told about foul language

Kevin: not to use it

Andy: and you disobeyed me

Kevin: I'm sorry

Andy: get dressed

Kevin: but

Andy: I was gonna pick you up early from school today but since you wanna curse at me you can still the full day and I spanking you when you get home from school

Kevin: no daddy I'm sorry

Andy: get dressed or it's gonna get worse

Kevin: but I don't want to go to school

Andy: you wanna tell me why

Kevin: I just don't

Andy: okay well if you don't tell me why I can't help you now what's going on

Kevin: nothing I just don't wanna go okay

Andy: first of all watch your tone and second of all I'm off today so I'll take you and I'll pick you up after you take the test

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