Kevin's consequence

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In Andy and Carter's room*

Kevin: daddy put me down

Andy: there your down

Kevin: thank you

Andy slaps Kevin in the face and Kevin holds his face and starts crying

Andy: Okay so I'm gonna spank you three times and from now on if you misbehave at home at school or anywhere else you're gonna get your ass whooped. I'm sick and tired of your behavior so corner now and if you talk back you're getting the brush do you understand me

Kevin cries even harder and andy smack his on the butt hard and Kevin starts screaming

Andy: close your mouth

Kevin: your so mean

Andy: you wanna see mean come here

Kevin shakes his head no

Andy: I said come here or it's gonna be worse

Kevin: daddy

Andy: now

Kevin: okay

Kevin walks to his dad

Andy: you don't say no to me understand me

Kevin: yes daddy

Andy: good your gonna learn how to respect people and your body you do not send naked photos to strangers and you will respect your peers and don't talk back to me or dad am I clear

Kevin: yes sir

Andy: good get over

Kevin: yes sir

Kevin goes over he's dad's knee

Andy: your getting three sets of ten stay still

Kevin: daddy I'm sorry

Andy: be quiet

Smack smack

Kevin: oww

Andy: close your mouth you will learn not to misbehave

Smack smack

Andy: will you use foul language in my house again

Kevin: ow no sir

Smack smack

Andy: your are thirteen years old you have no business sending strangers pictures of your ass

Kevin: daddy

Smack smack smack

Kevin: ouch daddy I'm sorry I won't do it again

Andy: if you do I'm gonna get my belt you understand me

Kevin: yes daddy


Andy: stand up

Kevin obeys his dad

Andy: go get ready for bed because your getting more

Kevin: daddy

Andy: what

Kevin: I'm sorry I will be good

Andy: tell me something son why do you keep misbehaving do you like getting your ass whooped

Kevin: no daddy

Andy: then why huh because this nonsense can't keep happening you should be going out with friends and having fun not home over me and dad's knee is something wrong

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