The visitor

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At Andy’s house*

Andy wakes up from his nap and sees it’s almost time to pick up Kevin so he makes his way to his car and drives to the school

At Jefferson middle school

Reggie: hey Kevin your dads here

Kevin: okay bye

Andy: hey

Kevin: let’s get out of here

Andy: what

Kevin: I’m so hungry

Andy: okay come on

Kevin: daddy school was great

Andy: good I glad you’d liked—-

Mr. Turner: excuse me

Andy: what did you do

Kevin: nothing I swear

Mr. Turner: are you Kevin’s father

Andy: yes andy

Mr. Turner: oh yes I wanted to speak to you for a second if you have the time

Kevin: daddy don’t you have work

Mr. Turner: please it won’t take long

Andy: yes of course and I don’t have work

Mr. Turner: great follow me

In Mr Turner classroom*

Mr. Turner: please have a seat

Kevin: daddy we really have to go

Andy: one second sir Kevin stop it right now before you find yourself in trouble

Mr. Turner: I'm sorry but that's why I stopped you

Andy: what did he do

Mr Turner: he threw an apple at another student head

Andy looks at Kevin and then shakes his head

Kevin: he deserved it

Andy: Kevin stop talking right now what's his punishment

Mr. Turner: detention during lunchtime for two weeks

Andy: I'll think that's reasonable and I will have a talk with him at home as well

Mr. Turner: thank you and Kevin you keep behaving like this your get yourself in serious trouble okay

Andy: apologize Kevin

Kevin: what

Andy: right now

Kevin: but he was a jerk

Andy: so what that gives you the right to throw things at people's head now apologize

Kevin: I'm sorry

Andy: thank you again

Andy shakes his hand and leaves the school and headed to the car with Kevin

In the car*

Andy: what is the matter with you

Kevin doesn't say anything

Andy: young man you better answer me

Kevin stays quiet

Andy: okay I guess I have to spank you then right

Kevin: no daddy he was mean like very mean to me

Andy: so you tell somebody

Kevin: but

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