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I feel really bad about starving all of you of updates so....

I wrote a little description of Ithils personality and why this makes him such a good match for Legolas! + Callon because i totally didnt forget she exists


Ithil is mostly an Infp, he is caring and gentle if not a little (alot) introverted. He can appear  harsh or aloof at first glance but he just had really bad people skills. He also has an unsually harsh temper for an Infp but thats mostly down to fact he loves his friends so much its hard for him to forgive those who endanger them (even when their his friends too) even if it was an accident.

This makes him a great mach for Legolas (who i think is an Infj despite my friends insisting he is also an Infp) because Legolas is cheeky, immature and definitely more extroverted than Ithil but not loud. I think Ithil would struggle to be with someone loud and extremely extroverted and head strong as his opinion would get overshadowed but i also think he would struggle with someone excremly introverted like himself as they would have communication issues and probably be spooked by Ithils Aloof personality. So Legolas being a good mix of the 2 is perfect for him.

Also Callon is chaotic evil and wants to watch the world burn, she loves her master but thats it. She would absolutely devour a hobbit and the only reason she lets Merry and Pippin pet her is she likes attention and Ithil doesnt give her enough. She only tolerates Legolas because he makes Ithil happy.

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