21 (P2)

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Don't mind me just inserting a chapter I forgot about

The night they slept within the borders of Lothlorien was one of peaceful rest.

At the edge of the camp, Haldir and Ithil sat making idle chatter. To the dark-haired elf, it was reminiscent of the time he had spent in this realm only 200 years earlier.

"to see you back so soon is a surprise to me" Haldir commented

"oh? Is my old friend not pleased to see me" Ithil teased,

"much of what I know about you retains to the fact that you are an elf that travels the world. I would expect you to be in some far-off land for at least another century" Haldir continued, "besides do you not have many other friends to bother? In all your years of travel"

"well yes, I know people from every land. But none have my path let me upon yet, so I am glad to see you"

"I was surprised to see you with travel companions, let alone with a set destination" the blonde laughed, "that's certainly not what led you to Lothlorien last time"

This time it was Ithil's turn to laugh, he remembered the day he turned up practically to the lady of Light's doorstep covered in viscous black blood and offering visions of the future

"Well, it worked out pretty well didn't it?"

Haldir turned to his friends suddenly serious, "Ithil, your father-"

"the blue wizard? Do not speak to me of him" he shut the topic down immediately, "my father resides in Imladris, his name is lord Elrond."

Haldir dropped his head in respect to his friend's decision, deciding to drop the subject.

They sat in comfortable silence for a while longer before Haldir returned to his guard post and Ithil rejoined his friends taking a seat beside his brother

He felt contented for now, happy to have reunited with a friend from a past journey.

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