2. Meeting the crew.

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You felt the helicopter slow down a little bit and nudged Mai in the arm, waking her up violently.

"Did we land?" She softly asked, rubbing her eyes like a toddler.

"No, not yet but we are about to," I replied.

She sat up and we both unbuckled our seatbelts, at the same time.

"We are definitely twins." Mai joked.

"Maybe we are." I smiled.

The helicopter eventually landed, and I and Mai stood up and walked towards the door.

It gradually fell, revealing the 4 men standing, but one stood out the most to me.

A Ghost mask? Hm. I thought.

Mai whispered, "That guy is pretty freaky, why does he have a mask.."

"I wear a mask in combat too." I replied, starting to walk out, Mai following behind me while eyeing him.

"Y/n l/n, Mai Grant, how was the ride?" An older man with a mustache said, walking towards us.

"Quite well." I replied.

"That's great. These are the Task Force members, I'm Captain Price." He said, putting out his hand.

I shook his hand and Mai did also.

"Let me introduce you to them," He said, walking over to the men. Me and Mai followed.

"This here is John MacTavish, but we call him Soap."

"Happy to have you." He said, in a very thick Scottish accent, extending his hand.

I caught his mohawk, he has to be goofy.

"Thank you." I said, shaking his hand and Mai did also.

"Now this is Kyle Garrick, but we just call him Gaz."

"Nice to meet you." He smiled. I nodded, and Mai did the same.

I and Mai slowly turned our heads to the last man standing, the 'scariest' of them all in Mai's eyes. I turned my head towards her, and she turned her toward me. I smiled at her, I have no clue how she's scared of a mask.

"And this is Ghost."

He stared at me and Mai, going back and forth. I don't know why, but I swear he could have been judging us.

Soap started to speak up, "His actual name is-"

"That'll do." Ghost interrupted, in a very thick British accent. I scoffed at turned my head towards Mai, smiling. She looked like she saw a Ghost, and not in an ironic way.

I nudged her, bringing her back to reality then chuckling at her.

"How about we all go inside?" Price smiled, walking towards the gates. All three men followed.

"Come on y/n, you can't tell me you don't think he's at least a little bit scary." Mai said lowly.

"I just can't, it's just amusing." I grinned, lowering my head.

Mai playfully punched my arm, and I sarcastically rubbed it.

We reached inside, and I saw a room that said, "C/N & FEATHER." (C/N = Code Name)

I twisted the doorknob and walked in, seeing a room with 2 twin sized beds, and a bathroom. Score.

"I'm exhausted." Mai sighed and walked towards the bed with a window.

"I wanted that bed!" I whined.

"I got here first!" Mai stuck her tongue out at me.

I sighed and walked over to the other bed. I set my bags down on the side, zipping one open.

"You're unpacking already?" Mai questioned.

"I like to be prepared, you know that." I answered.


I was finally done unpacking, and that took a lot of work. Mai decided to follow me and unpacked too. She was in the shower, and I was waiting for her to finish.

The last thing in my bag was a beat-up teddy bear. I started getting flashbacks of my childhood, man I hated my childhood so much, besides Mai being in it. I sighed and put it in the corner of my bed. Mai opened the door and slightly scared me. She started laughing, carrying her dirty clothes.

"I scared you?"

"No, of course not. I would never get scared by you." She knew when I was lying.

"Okay, sure." She smiled.

I sat up, grabbed my clothes, and walked inside the bathroom. I shut the door. I loved being side the shower, but getting in and out tired me. I turned the warm water on and undressed. I opened the shower curtain and stepped inside, the water felt amazing.


I was reading a book on my bed, while Mai was scrolling through TikTok and laughing every few minutes. A knock was heard on the door, and Mai paused the video.

"Come in." We said in unison, then smiling at each other.

The door slowly opened, and a mohawk peeked in. "We're about to watch a movie if you want to come watch it with us." He asked.

"Yeah, sure!" Mai replied.

"We'll be out in a minute." I and her said, once again, in unison.

Soap chuckled. "Okay, creepy twins." He joked, then softly closed the door.

"I'll be out in a minute, I wanna find a jacket." I told Mai.

"Okay, I'll meet you out there. Do you want me to heat you something to eat?" She responded.

"Sure, thanks!" I answered.


A woman after my own heart. (Simon Riley x Reader)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora