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I woke up around 7:23 PM feeling groggy. I sat up and looked around the room, it was really dark. I noticed that someone had put a blanket over me while I was sleeping. If it was Ghost, why was he being so rude to me earlier?

I took the blanket off of me, standing up to go turn on the light. I turned the switch on and shut my eyes immediately from the sudden brightness. I observed the room once more, looking down the hall to see if anyone was there.

I didn't see anyone so I turned around and grabbed my cereal bowl. I walked to the kitchen and put it in the sink. I'll clean it in the morning. I went back to the couch, folded the blanket, and sat it on the side.

I turned the light back off and started walking back to my room. I considered if I should stop by Ghost's room like I said I would, but he might've been sleeping.

I finally had made it to my room when I had the sudden urge to turn around. I put my hand on the doorknob and looked left and right, seeing nothing. I turned around behind me and saw Ghost.

"JESUS!" I yelled. Ghost put his hand over my mouth to shut me up. I looked up at him, making a confused/angry face at him. I struggled to remove his hand away from my mouth, but he wouldn't budge.

He took his hand off my mouth slowly, making a 'shh' signal to me. He grabbed my wrist firmly, walking me outside. I was very confused, why are we going outside?

We finally made it outside and broke out of his grip, which made him quickly turn back at me.

"What the fuck are you doing?!" I shouted at him.

"All fucking day you've been having the most random mood swings ever, being kind to me once second, then being the most annoying bitch on earth!" I continued, feeling more agitated.

All he did was look at me, not moving an inch. That made me so fucking mad.

"Are you trying to avoid me ever since we fucked?" I asked him, hoping that wasn't the case. I guess that got his attention because I saw his eyes slightly widen.

"Stop acting like a much bitch and answer me!" I told him.

"That's not the reason I've been ignoring you." He muttered up.

"Well, then why?!" I exclaimed. His eyes started darting around, avoiding my gaze. I stood there for a couple more minutes, trying to calm down but it wasn't working.

I turned around and stormed back inside, trying to quickly get into my room. I heard him walking behind me, so I started to walk faster.

"Y/n, wait." I heard Ghost whisper to me, but I didn't stop. I didn't even hear his footsteps getting louder or closer to me, but before I knew it I felt someone turn me around by my shoulders.

I looked at him, with a blank face. At this point, I'm just tired and irritated.

"Listen to me, please." He said to me, calmly. I finally listened to him because I could see the sincerity in his eyes. He grabbed my hand gently and walked me to his room. He softly closed the door behind us, locking it too.

I sat down on his bed, looking at him.

"I'm not that good with expressing my feelings. So I don't know how to show you that I care." He told me, staring directly at me this time.

"I know that's not that good of an answer but..."He paused, now his eyes were darting around the room.

"I'm sorry." He said. Wow, that took me by surprise.

"It's okay, and I mean it. I get it, I'm not upset at you anymore." I said, standing up and walking towards him. I hugged him, not expecting him to do anything after what he just said.

Surprisingly, he hugged me back, tight. It made me feel warm inside like I was safe and didn't have a care in the world. I stared into his light blue eyes, putting my hands on the downward part of his mask, and lifting it to the top of his lip.

I gave him a soft kiss, feeling him kiss me back. We stood there for a good minute or so, just embracing each other.

I started feeling him walk towards his bed, making me fall on it. I looked up at him in surprise. Again? I mean I'm DEFINITELY not complaining. But damn.

He started unbuckling his belt, removing his pants, and dropping them onto the floor, revealing the huge bulge on the inside. He stood there, staring down at me the whole time while removing his boxers.

As soon as he took them off, his dick sprung out. I swear it looked way bigger than before. I could already see some pre-cum on it. I looked up at him and or eyes met, making me blush. Hard.

"Go on love, suck it."



i feel so much better now that im writing again

A woman after my own heart. (Simon Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now