6. Care.

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I started climbing the rope, and right when I was almost up, I grabbed my gun in case of any guards nearby. I climbed over the railing of the ship, standing directly behind a guard. I quietly took out my knife and covered his mouth, stabbing his chest. I slowly slid his body on the floor, trying not to bring attention to me. I looked over behind me and Ghost was there, just staring at me. I rolled my eyes. I looked to see if the other groups were ready, and they were.

I started quietly walking into one of the first rooms in front of me, trying to see if the missile was in there. I saw a box sitting in the corner of a room, so I cautiously opened it. I saw some stuffing in the box, so I moved it around to see if there was anything in there, just guns.

We walked over to the next room and at the front Ghost saw some controls, but it was all in Spanish.

"C/n, come read this." He told me. I walked over to him and saw the controls, it said:


"It says 'Controls to missile, do not touch if not told to.'" I looked at him, trying to figure out what to do next. I looked to my right and there was a timer for 20 minutes, that was when the missile was going to blow up. I started getting anxious, I didn't learn how to disarm a missile?! I started hyperventilating, I didn't know what to do, and I started shaking.

"C/n, everything is going to be okay, we're going to figure it out." Ghost said while putting a hand on my shoulder. That didn't really help, so he looked around and then hugged me. It was a stiff hug, I guess he wasn't used to physical touch.

I started to calm down and hugged him back. I looked up at him and stepped away. Ghost turned around and turned on the coms.

"Price, there's a way to disarm the missile but we don't know how, we only have 18 minutes." He informed Price.

"Okay, the guards on the ship were just informed that you guys are there, try your best not to get shot, and get the hell off of that ship before that missile blows up." He told us.

Me and Ghost walked out, I was ahead. Whenever I was upset, killing people was my first distraction. It made me get my anger out. I shot two guards on the left of me, I started going into different rooms trying to find everyone else, killing every guard in the way. Ghost was struggling to keep up with me. I found Soap in one of the rooms, he had a first-aid kit out, shit, did Mai get shot? I ran up to him.

"Soap, what's wrong?"I asked him, concerned. He moved his body enough to where I could see Mai, unconscious.

"It's Mai. She got.." He started talking but stopped. I widened my eyes and immediately took a first aid kit out of my bag, fuck.

I looked to see where she was shot. It was on her left ribcage. I took her vest off and moved her shirt. I started cleaning it and bandaged it up, that's all I could do right now till we got back to base. I put my Mai's vest with Soap, he started carrying her. I realized 5 minutes had gone by, shit. We only had 13 more minutes.

"Alright," I started, anxiously and trying to hurry. "We only have 13 minutes left, let's fucking go." I stood up, Soap was carrying Mai effortlessly. I opened the room door and saw Gaz, Rodolfo, and Alejandro. I told them that we needed to get away from the boat, fast. I spotted some guards coming up behind them and shot them immediately. I told Ghost to hurry up and go down first. He could see I was serious, so he didn't put up a fight like he usually would. Everyone started climbing down to their boats.

He was about to climb down when I heard footsteps behind him. I turned around and saw a guard behind Ghost, holding him in a headlock. The man was about to take a knife out of his holster while Ghost was struggling to get out. I took my gun out, getting ready to shoot the guard. This was really fucking risky. I aimed my gun at the guy's head, I could tell Ghost was staring at me and shaking his head no, but I pulled the trigger before I could react. I closed my eyes and then reopened them, seeing a dead man on the floor, a man without a skull mask on, and a man with a skull mask standing. Shit, I did it. I started smiling, that gave me such a rush.

When I snapped out of my thoughts, the ship wobbled to the right, making me and Ghost slide onto a wall. Ghost wrapped his arms around me as I was standing in front of him. Me and Ghost stood back up, getting ready to leave.

"Alright, you go down first." I told him. He nodded his head. We only had 7 minutes left now.

I heard quick footsteps running behind me. I turned around in shock and moved to the left, barely dodging a man with a knife. I aimed my gun at him and shot him. I looked around and saw more men coming. Shit. I looked down and Ghost wasn't even on the boat yet, he's so fucking slow. I had to jump, they were coming at me at a rapid pace. I jumped down, I felt my stomach drop. I hit the ice-cold water immediately, I started swimming to the boat not that far from me.

By the time I made it to the boat Ghost was already sitting there. He reached his hand out to me and I took it. I was so fucking cold. I sat on the opposite end of Ghost.

"Alright, start rowing already." I told him, shivering. He listened and started rowing the paddles pretty quickly. We only had 3 minutes left.

We eventually caught up to everyone. There were only 50 seconds left. I turned around to look at the ship as I started counting down in my head. That's when I felt a pair of hands on my waist lift me up. I turned around and saw Ghost had placed me on his lap.

"What are you doing?" I asked him. I started blushing immediately.

"You're cold, so I'm trying to make you warm." He said softly while staring into my eyes. I nodded nervously and turned around. This is so weird, but I love it.

"Um, I just want to say thank you." I told him. He looked down at me and cocked his head sideways.

"For comforting me. That was..really nice of you." I said. He wrapped his hands around my body and we turned our attention back to the ship. I'm so fucking grateful Ghost put the boat a little away from everyone else, this would've been so weird.

The missile went off and made a huge explosion. Everyone started gasping and laughing.

"Bloody steaming Jesus!" Soap exclaimed.

I started laughing and looking up Ghost. He stared at me then chuckled and shook his head. I don't know why but I started laughing even harder.

"That was so fucking cool." I said. I put my hand over Ghost's.


We got back to base and I was sitting in the infirmary with Mai in her bed. I wanted her to wake up already. I was really anxious. I hadn't eaten all day. I was really concerned for Mai. I was trying to stay awake but I kept closing my eyes. My head would fall and my eyes would close, but I kept fighting it.

I started drifting off, giving up at this point, then I felt someone tilt my head back upwards. I flinched and took my knife out of my holster and pointed it upwards. I readjusted my eyes and saw it was Ghost, he was holding a plate of food. I put my knife on the nightstand by Mai's bed and then rubbed my eyes.

"What are you doing here? It's late." I softly said, it was obvious I was tired. He set the plate on my lap and sat in the chair beside me. I saw he wasn't wearing his normal mask, he was wearing a balaclava with a black jacket and some black sweatpants.

"You haven't eaten all day. I got you some food."

I took the plate in my lap and observed what he got me. It was pizza, my favorite. I grabbed one of the slices and started eating it, I just realized how hungry I was.

"How'd you know pizza was my favorite?" I asked him. He was just staring at the floor.

"I heard you talking to Mai the day you came here, saying how you wished you had some pizza." He replied. I started grinning.

"Wow, you're nosy." I joked. I got finished with my pizza so I set the plate back down. I tried to get comfortable in the chair, but it was so small. I started dozing off again. I kept subconsciously tilting my head towards Ghost, but kept forcing my head upwards. After doing that for a while, I guess Ghost noticed cause he gently pushed my head onto his shoulder. I fell asleep soon after.




A woman after my own heart. (Simon Riley x Reader)Where stories live. Discover now