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I woke up, feeling exhausted. I sat up, examining the room. No one was there. I looked at the clock, it read 8:o3AM.
I noticed a note lying right beside the clock.

"Went out on a mission, be back soon.  - Ghost."

Okay, at least he didn't abandon me. I got out of bed, getting into my clothes from last night. I desperately needed a shower. I walked out of the room, making sure no one was in the hall before I left. As I walked back to my room, I saw Mai and Soap walking back from the training room. Mai spotted me and her eyes immediately lit up.

"Y/n!" She squealed. She rushed over to me, giving me a tight hug. "Where were you last night? I went to our room and you weren't there." She questioned. My face started turning bright red, Soap snickering behind her. A wicked grin started growing on Mai's face.

"Oh, shut up." I rolled my eyes. "What are you doing out of bed Mai? I thought you still had to rest."

"I healed quickly, but I still can't go on any missions for a while." She pouted. "He told me to train with Soap until I start feeling better."

"That's good, but Soap's too weak for you to train with." I teased.

"Alright, what the fuck." He said offended. Both me and Mai started to laugh.

"Oh right, C/n, All of us are going out tonight for a few drinks just to cool off until our next mission, 'ya coming?" Soap asked. I thought about it for a second.

"Yeah, sure." I shrugged. "I need to go take a shower, I'll be back in a while."

"Alright, later." They both said in unison, immediately giggling afterward. I rolled my eyes, smiling.


After the shower, I looked through my drawer to find something to wear tonight. I sat on my bed feeling worn out. The only outfit I had for a night out was a short red velvet dress. Mai already told me we were dressing up, and I didn't want to be the only one undressed. My stomach started growling, I'd been so caught up in my thoughts I forgot to eat. I sat up off my bed, in hopes of finding something appetizing.

I opened the door and walked down the hall. I heard someone's boots behind me and then stopped. I turned around, seeing Ghost just staring at me blankly. I stopped immediately and flashed him a warm smile.

"Hey," I said, nervous. Why is he just standing there like that? "Are you alright? I thought you were gonna come talk to me after you came back from your mission." He didn't seem like he had just gotten back, he was wearing a tight black shirt and grey sweatpants. He started walking towards me, still staring. He walked right past me, no word, nothing. What the hell?

I stared at him walk away then walked into his room. He didn't say a single word. I stared at his closed door in shock and feeling confused. I turned back around, walking towards the kitchen. Did I do anything wrong? I thought. I started fidgeting with my hands. I looked through the cabinets and fridge, my appetite was suddenly gone. Why does he always act like a dick once we sleep together? He has to be bipolar or something. I walked back to my room slowly, trying to think of every reason he could be doing this. No, shut up, it's not your fault. He's already done this once. First, he fucks me, then he acts like he doesn't even know my name. I'm not letting it happen a second time.

I started doing my makeup and getting dressed for tonight, talking to Mai the entire time. I wanted to tell Mai what's been happening, but I saved it for later. I don't want to think about it or him right now. I examined myself in the mirror. I've never dressed up like this in so long, it looks unreal. I still look hot as hell though. My dress length was short, barely even touching my knees. The V-neck shows my boobs the perfect amount. My hair was slicked down, making the entire outfit perfect. grabbed my small purse and walked down the hall with Mai. She was so excited to go out, we'd never been out in ages. As we were outside, everyone but Ghost was already there. Everyone started staring at me and Mai. It's just like the first day all over again. We had to wait almost 10 minutes when Ghost finally decided to show up.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 03, 2023 ⏰

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