Chapter 16 - Feelings

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We arrive at an important moment in the story, perhaps the one that will determine the continuation of the events. A climax if I dare say.

Once again, I encourage you to tell me what you think of the story, your comments and support are always very much appreciated! This is very important to me. Thank you all for following me in these adventures.

Good reading!

Chapter 16 - Feelings

Kamek brought back great news to his King. Eager to share it with him, certain that he would be happy to hear it, the Magikoopa sped on his bamboo broom through the corridors. He slalomed between the Koopas and Goombas in his path before starting the descent to the basement where he was sure to find Bowser. After all, he had been spending most of his time training with Cinder since she became his advisor, sometimes forgetting that he had a role to play. The conquest of the worlds will not be done alone! Annoyed, Kamek leaned on his broom as he descended the stairs and then reached the next corridor, only to stop in midair when he heard a strange sound. It was curious... He didn't remember hearing anything like that before.

The sound was not unpleasant, he noted with a touch of incomprehension as he cautiously walked towards the closed door at the end of the corridor. Apparently, the sound was coming from the training room because as he went on, the sound became louder. But what was it? Perturbed yet curious, the blue-robed wizard made his magic broom disappear into thin air before quietly pushing the door open and peering inside. His eyes crinkled behind his glasses as he searched for the origin of the sound. Sifting through the room, he came across two figures on the right side of the room sitting on large wooden crates. Facing each other, Bowser was looking at Cinder who was laughing out loud... So it was a laugh he had heard in the corridor. The sound was melodious and warm at the same time as the King smiled awkwardly while running a claw through his flaming hair.

Was he the source of this laughter? Was it possible?

Stunned by what he saw, Kamek's eyebrows furrowed as he looked at the couple through the small opening in the door. Cinder was laughing and Bowser didn't even seem angry, on the contrary he looked rather delighted... A small smile playing at his big snout that usually made threats. From what magic did this come? Now fascinated by the power of the human, the Magikoopa decided to observe them discreetly to try to understand how she did it. How she managed to survive, quite simply. Now that he thought about it, it was true that Bowser had not shown any extreme anger for a few days. A truly disturbing phenomenon when you knew him from childhood.

"What did I say?" Bowser asked with a small, nonchalant shrug, unable to keep his smile from widening at the happy face of the human in front of him. He didn't remember saying anything funny, but Cinder's reaction warmed his heart. Chasing away any irritation with the first burst of laughter.

"Forgive me... But you make me laugh when you rhymed about the princess's hair. You have a gift for poetry, that's for sure!" Acquiesced the latter with a finger to her lips to calm her hilarity.

"I am a poet at heart. I express my feelings through poetry!" He retorted with one hand over his heart, the other making a vague gesture in the air. He echoed the phrase Kamek had used, hoping it would have the same effect.

"There is a big romantic in you." Granted Cinder with a nod, but at Bowser's mischievous grin, she cleared her throat; "it's a very great quality that I'm sure the princess will adore."

"Yes, one of my many qualities... There is no one more attractive than me!" The King praised himself while admiring his sharp claws, the pressure building in his heart as the human nodded once more with a smile.

"You have quite the seductive power, indeed. Now you need to put that power to use when you face the princess again to tell her how you feel about her. But let's not rush into anything! It's important to take it slow, to give her time to get to know you. Love blooms with time." Reminded Cinder with a raised finger before leaning forward to take Bowser's hands in her three times smaller. This gesture surprised the King who did not try to move away as she spoke again in a whisper.

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