Chapter 14

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these are never proof read

Nat's morning was hectic, she had loads of meetings at the compound today and then mission reports after those meetings. Yelena was also needed in the meetings so no one could look after Wanda and so she took the girl with her.

It was going well so far, Wanda didn't seem too bothered by anything, being entertained watching some youtube videos on the redhead's phone.

"Mama, juice please?"

She opened one of the juice boxes she brought and handing it to her, "here you go sweet girl, don't squeeze it too hard okay?"

Wanda nodded with a smile and going back to the redhead's phone. After a while, Wanda accidentally opened the camera and she giggled to herself as she took many photos. Some were of herself holding her juice box and others were photos of Nat at her desk doing her work.

Then she got bored again and left the phone on the couch, making her way to her mom.

"Mama" Wanda whined.

"What's wrong baby?"


Nat sighed quietly, looking at the big section she still has to finish in her mission report. Wanda was clearly getting tired and wanting to go home, coming here was out of her routine so the woman was actually surprised how long it took Wanda to say she wanted to go.

"Soon baby"

It wasn't soon.

Wanda was getting more irritated by the second, she never usually comes here on thursdays and she wants to go home.

"Mama home" she kept whining and pulling on Nat's clothes.

Nat was starting to lose focus with the girl talking the whole time and she snapped.

"For fuck sake Wanda stop it!" she yelled.

Wanda froze, wrapping her arms around her torso looking at the russian with scared eyes. She held her tears as much as she could, tears meant punishment in hydra. She wanted to run out of the office but she was scared that would also get Nat to yell at her again.

So she quietly walked out, letting her tears fall when Nat couldn't see. She needed to make sure Nat wouldn't decide to send her away and be better, she can be better.

She has to.

Nat felt guilt run through her at the way Wanda tensed up, she thought maybe it would be a good idea to give Wanda some space.

It wasn't.

Wanda was sobbing her eyes out with a crayon in her hand, she doesn't know how stuff works in America but she hoped this was right. She wanted to write sorry to the woman for being nad and to keep her but she could barely see with her eyes clouded with tears, she didn't know how to spell the words right which made her cry more.

She hoped Nat would come in and comfort her but she didn't and every second that passed she felt more and more stupid for thinking that.

i sory for bieng bad i wil do beter i promis mama ples keep me an no hit i lov you evin if you no lov me animore

i sorry for bieng stupds on wordds i tri my best


She rubbed her eyes, walking slowly back to the woman's office, she didn't know if she should go in or not. She ended up sliding the paper under the door, she hoped it was good enough.

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