The Big Chop

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It took almost all day to remove my Box Braids. I washed my hair and deep conditioned it. But when it came time to detangle, things went left.
My remaining relaxed hair was terrible to comb through. It was matted, while my natural was easy to comb through. I had no idea what I had done wrong. Tears rolled down my face as I tried to comb my hair. I remember it taking me hours to detangle and then roll my hair . I thought the perm rod set would be worth doing,so I took my time installing the rods.
This perm rod set worked. But next week when I did one, it was a complete mess! My permed hair was curled, but my natural hair looked untouched. I had to go to school with my hair looking terrible.
During class it hit me. Why deal with this any more? What was the point? I was becoming more stressed out due to my hair,and it was just too much maintenance. "I'm cutting it as soon as I get home." I not only thought this but I told a few of my friends. No one believed I was gonna cut it. But November 6,2014 was definitely the day.
When I got home I combed out my hair and but conditioner in it. My mom thought I was playing until I grabbed the scissors from her bathroom. She thought it was a terrible idea for me to cut it,and she wanted me to go to a salon or barber shop. But I refused. This was something I wanted to do on my own. So before I started cutting, I called my best friend for encouragement.
I simply parted my hair down the middle, putting one side in a ponytail and began to cut the other side. Once I finished that side I looked at my half natural half relaxed hair. "What the f*ck did I just do?" I said to my friend over the phone. But I didn't have time to panic, I had to continue.
Once I finished my entire head I was happy. I felt so free and so happy. When my mom saw it even she thought I had did a great job cutting. But not everyone would be so pleasant.
When I returned to school the following Monday everyone was shocked. Most people thought I made a really dumb decision. I was told I needed to install weave. I was told I had "nigga hair". The number of people that liked it I could count on one hand. But everyone else hated it.
For a while this made my confidence low. Feeling like everyone is judging you just because you made a change is hard. I loved finally being natural. But I hated the negative energy that it had caused. One guy that had been trying to get with me for a long time even stopped talking to me. I learned from his friend that he "doesn't like girls with a Afros".
For the first two months my confidence was low. But during my third month of being natural, I started feeling great about myself. My hair was growing,and it was healthy and curly. I had achieved my goal! How could I not be proud of that?
Currently I am very happy with my hair. I actually have some rope twists installed at this moment,and I miss my curls! But anyways, I told my transitioner story, what's yours?

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