Winter is coming

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Hey everyone, I know it's been a minute since we've kicked it, but I've been very busy with school. 

As the weather outside is changing, so is my hair. I feel the need to restyle my hair mid-week, so that i can re-install moisture into my strands. I usually result to a twist out, which I've finally mastered again. The colder it gets, the quicker my hair is going to lose moisture over the course of a week. Once November hits, I plan to get box braids installed, so that I can retain length and protect my hair from the cold. 

Does anyone have any conditioner suggestions? I feel the need to switch it up a little, as winter comes closer. I want to purchase more conditioners that contain essential oils and other protective ingredients. 

Next month i'm going to hit my 1 year mark! I'm so excited you guys. 

I know this update was all over the place, but I just felt the need to update to stay relevant lol. I've noticed some other natural hair books popping up on Wattpad. I didn't want you guys to forget about me. Leave some suggestions in the comments please! See you soon!

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