Product Stereotypes

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As a natural, of course the main products you will hear about and seek out are "Natural Hair" Products. These products are made specifically with women of color in mind. These products are great, and I have quite a few in my product stash. However, just because these products are formulated specifically for women of color, does not mean they are the only products we as naturals can use.

I'm sure if you watch Youtube videos and vlogs that you have heard of Tresseme Naturals conditioner. Many naturals love to use it for detangling and conditioning/deep conditioning after a wash. Mixed with water, it can also be used as a leave in conditioner or daily moisturizer. Because I use it myself, I can attest to the fact that it is a really great product. If your hair lacks moisture and strength, it will definitely whip your hair into shape.

I have often been asked what conditioner I use. Even though I have several, I always mention this particular conditioner first. The most common response I have gotten is, "But Tresseme is for white people." 😑

CLEARLY this statement is out of ignorance. Just because a product does not specifically say "for natural hair", does not mean it's not an excellent product. You can not simply go by the name of a product, and the company that manufactures this product, to determine if a product may be good for your hair. You MUST read the ingredients. For example, Tresseme Naturals conditioner contains aloe vera and avocado. Hmm....are these not nourishing ingredients? It's also silicone free. And what are some of the main ingredients naturals should avoid? Silicone and Sulfate. Lol, i'm sure you see where i'm going with this.

So, don't be so closed minded when it comes to product brands! The ingredients are what matter the most. Who knows what will work the best for your hair; you may be surprised!

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