The Rice Water Trend is a Scam

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If you're active on Youtube, i'm sure you noticed the over saturation of videos about rice water. Honestly, it's just a gimmick that has gotten out of hand.

Rice water is literally like a protein treatment for your hair. So, of course if you never do protein treatments, and you start doing rice water, there will be a difference in your hair strands. So yes, your hair will be stronger allowing for less breakage. Really, you should only be using a protein treatment twice a month at most.

BUT, using rice water every day is not healthy for your strands. Speaking from a type 4 perspective, your hair will become stringy, and even more difficult to manage. Most of my type 4 friends hopped on the rice water bandwagon, only to make their hair dried out and stringy. 

This post is just a reminder that all hair gimmicks or solutions are not for your hair type. Youtube may sell you a dream, that that dream can make your hair even less manageable than it was before. Be more concerned with the overall health of your hair, rather than length.

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⏰ Last updated: May 22, 2019 ⏰

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