Natural Hair Rant #1

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It's okay to be a little insecure about your hair when you first big chop. However, you should never let your insecurities consume you.

You shouldn't be afraid to walk out of the house with your hair, because you think it makes you look less feminine. It's ridiculous! Yes I was nervous the first week after I cut my hair, but after that I didn't care what people thought of it. Because I didn't cut my hair for them! I cut my hair because I wanted to rock what God saw fit to grow from my scalp. People are going to have something to say regardless. So why should I focus on their satisfaction?

And for the guys who expect every black female to have straight or body wave weave, please have a seat. If you can not be comfortable with black women having curly,coily,and kinky hair, then oh well! We natural haired sisters should not have to apologize because you have a problem accepting your heritage! I am so sick of seeing or hearing guys with this pitiful ass mindset complaining about girls with natural hair!....

But y'all excuse me...I had a long day and my attitude is on ten. I figured i'd vent to you guys.

I know i've been M.I.A., but school has had me busy! Ap classes are no joke. But I hope you enjoyed, and don't forget to vote,comment, and share!

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