Newly Natural

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As a new natural I went through the "I don't know what I'm doing wrong" stage. Sometimes even when u big chop you can't see your complete curl pattern. My hair did not completely curl to its natural pattern until the second month. This is normal.
Maintenance for a twa is not difficult at all. You do not have to wash your hair every day, just weekly, or as needed. However when you do wash I suggest co-washing more than using shampoo. Co-washing removes product buildup,but at the same time helps your hair retain moisture. Shampoo (sulfate free of course) can be known to strip and dry out natural hair as it is cleaning the scalp. But shampoo is still needed every few weeks to really thoroughly clean the scalp. Just remember to deep conditioner after,which I'll be talking about later.
I'll be the first to admit, when I big chopped, I immediately became a product junkie. I wanted to try everything I saw people using on YouTube. This is normal,but it's also expensive and unnecessary! For example , just because a line of products has a leave in conditioner, a curling Creme, a twisting custard,and a pomade DOES NOT MEAN YOU NEED THEM ALL. For instance the Cantu leave in conditioner (one of my holy grail products) can be used as not only a leave in conditioner, but a styler as well. When I use only this leave in conditioner for a twist out, my hair comes out the really defined. However it is still good to have a curling or twisting custard in your product stash. These provide extra hold and/or definition,which allows the styles to last longer.
It is also important to remember that all products do not work for everyone. Depending on your hair texture,porosity,thickness,etc., products are going to respond different to your hair. Patience is key during the newly natural stage. You just have to work with your hair. Some days your hair is just not gonna do exactly what you would like it to,and you just have to accept that. Whether your curls are loose,tightly coiled, or in between, everyone will have a bad hair day,especially when you're a new natural. You just have to learn to roll with the punches.

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