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"Hi, I'm Hailee!" Hailee said cheerfully as she stepped into the row of reserved seats for the wives and girlfriends of the nfl.

Immediately the majority of the women turned towards her voice, giving her dirty looks.

"Ah, the rebound girl." One of them said in response, twirling her auburn hair around her finger as she chewed on a piece of gum.

Hailee's smile faltered. She wasn't someone who often argued back to stand up for herself but she was extremely sick of the narratives the world has created about her and her relationship with Josh.

"I'm not his rebound girl." She defended.

"Oh really? Y'all were messing around and fucking each other 2 weeks after he broke Britt's heart. Don't lie."

Hailee's jaw dropped slightly.

"Excuse me? You don't know anything about our relationship." She argued back.

"I know that none of us like you and we'll never be your friends. Get lost. The fan section is over there."

The girls around her snickered, although not verbally saying anything. But they were no better. They were grown woman acting like a high school mean girl squad.

Hailee didn't want them to win but the humiliation she was feeling was making her want the ground to swallow her up whole.

"I can sit wherever I want, thanks." She huffed, before sitting down in the seat closest to the stairs.

The redhead girl rolled her eyes and leaned over, whispering something to another girl before they both started laughing.

Hailee bit her lip in response. She hadn't been bullied like this since high school.

"Y'all! Sorry I'm late, I broke my fucking heel before I left the house—oh..." A voice exclaimed from behind before trailing off.

Hailee looked up, noticing a girl standing over her.

"Sorry, can I get through?" The girl asked awkwardly before glancing at the other 5 girls, wondering what she had missed.

Hailee nodded. "Mhmm." She mumbled, not wanting to engage with them anymore. She stood up to make room before sitting back down as the girl got into the row.

"Katie! it's been ages." The redhead said with excitement.

"I know right. Can't believe we're all back again!"

Hailee tuned out their conversation and looked at the stadium, watching as it quickly filled with fans from both teams (bills and the jets).

It was the first game of the season and Hailee was equally as nervous as excited. She wasn't used to going to a football game to support her boyfriend.

"Hi." Another feminine voice spoke from beside her.

She turned her to head to look at a girl decked out in jets merchandise.

"Hi..." Hailee said wearily.

"I'm Josie. I was wondering if you wanted to sit with my friends and I?" She asked softly.

Hailee looked past her, noticing 3 other girls also in jets clothes. They looked 10x more inviting.

"Uh...sure. I mean am I allowed too?" She asked. She was so new to all of this.

Hailee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now