London Town

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- Friday -

"Never have I ever...dated a singer." Brooklynn said. Everyone immediately looked at Hailee who put a finger down with a playful eye roll.

"Never have I ever been caught having sex by my parents." Isla said, realizing it was her turn.

Amalie put her finger down, "my mother will never let me forget it."

All the girls laughed in response.

"Did she ground you?" Greta asked curiously before taking a sip of her wine.

"No...not exactly. Do you want to hear the whole story or nah?" Amalie asked.

"Do tell." Hailee egged her on.

"Okay so Patrick and I started dating in the summer before Freshman year, we're both the same age. Now some backstory first...My moms whole side is Russian including her, and the specific culture her family followed was a strict sex before marriage type of deal. Both of Patrick's parents moved to Alaska together but they're both from Jamaica so in their specific families, getting married young and having sex before marriage is quite acceptable and nobody really cares. Patrick proposed to me when we were 20 but we moved out into our own place at 21. Mind you, bringing it back to the culture thing, neither of us had done anything sexual with anyone or each other. But that changed the night we moved in. So we were doing it and everything and then Christmas comes around and we split our holiday between our families. On Christmas Eve we were at my parents house and they say say 'oh we're going to go out and buy a few more presents for tomorrow' for whatever reason. Patrick and I didn't go because some of the presents ended up being ours. So we're left at house by ourselves, we're just chatting and then we decide to do it. My mom takes fucking forever to shop so I thought they'd be like 2 hours...yeah no. It was about 20 minutes because most of the stores were closed (which I had forgotten). I kid you not you guys, they walked in on us and we literally got off each other so freaking fast. Like I don't really remember the whole thing because I got fucking whiplash—"Amalie explained.

Every single girl in the hotel room had their jaws dropped, trying not to laugh.

"Dude what!! I thought you were a cupcake!" McKinley exclaimed, referencing what she had told her on their Italy trip.

Amalie laughed. "So my mom is like a ghost because she thought we were not intimate, because we were waiting for our wedding day, which was like 8 months from then so like c' first she was like, 'get dressed, you're fucking grounded!' and then she realized that I was an adult and she couldn't really ground me, especially when I didn't live there anymore."

"Girl you have the most interesting family I swear to god. Y'all Alaskans are so...weird." Josie laughed.

"Facts. I don't miss the Alaska culture that's for sure."

"Wait, how come you were allowed to move in together then? If it was that big of a deal shouldn't they have just said no?" Brooklynn asked.

"I mean yeah they could've tried. But they knew we were getting married within a year and we were legal adults so there wasn't much they could do. I honestly don't think it would've stopped us too, like...we were fed up with that rule honestly. He didn't pressure me either, he understood and respected my parents but I didn't. It's why I love living in Buffalo too. After that situation my mom kinda liked Patrick a little less because she thought he forced me into it and didn't respect her religion but I've since then kind of gotten those lies out of her head. But we're definitely not super close because of all that, which sucks but I felt trapped there." Amalie answered, with a small shrug.

Hailee shifted uncomfortably, feeling the atmosphere in the room change at Amalie's sad admission.

"Well that's a crazy experience. We're happy you and Patrick are here though!" Josie said kindly.

Hailee ImaginesTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang