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I'm neglecting my actual imagines and writing these instead cause it's more fun 😅
6:46 am pst (9:46 am est)

Hailee: I'm getting ready to leave for camp

Josh: 👍🏼

Josh: How are you feeling today?

Hailee: Better. I just ate some oatmeal and fruit and I feel okayish. I think it was just the heat, it was 99 degrees out yesterday and 101 the day before.

Josh: That would do it

Hailee: Yeah. The camp is farther north so thankfully it'll be a bit cooler

Josh: 👍🏼👍🏼
read at 7:01 am pst (10:01 am est)

Josh: *sent a screenshot*

Josh: Can you make it ?? 🤞🏻

Hailee: I'll have to check my schedule but I think so!

Josh: 😁
read at 7:29 am pst (10:29 am est)

Hailee: Camp is busyyy

Josh: You made it?

Hailee: Yes

Hailee: I'm checking into my hotel and the lobby is full of young people (which is nice)

Josh: That's good

Josh: I thought you meant an actual camp lol

Hailee: On Sunday we go to a campground nearby and shoot one of the scenes that we work on + games/activities but Friday and Saturday is inside a fine arts college.

Josh: Sounds fun. Text me with updates, got to get ready for a scrimmage!

Hailee: Okay, have fun 🫶🏻

Josh: You too 🥰

Hailee: ♥️♥️♥️
read at 2:46 pm est (11:46 am pst)

Hailee: I'm so fucking pissed rn

Hailee: I need to punch something

Josh: Uh...hello to you too 😅😅

Josh: What's going on?

Hailee: I was assigned a group of 5 kids to teach a scene too (so were a bunch of other people). This one bitchy af girl went behind my back and swapped half of them that were assigned to me and I got stuck with a bunch of bratty teenage girls and I'm telling you...they should be at model camp not acting camp because they're behavior is not it! One of them damn near tripped me when I was walking out of the bathroom and another one dumped her drink on me (but it was an accidenttt 🙄). So I fucking told the person in charge about it and the bitchy girl started  making all these excuses about how she needed to work with the younger kids instead of teens and basically went on a rant about how it's her way or the highway. So I started snapping back and the fucking bitch in charge took her side. Mind you those kids wanted to work me so bad, one of them was literally crying when she realized she wasn't with me anymore.

Hailee: I'm just sooo riled up right now and if I see that bitch again today I will punch her in the face. I'm being so for real.

Josh: Wow okay.

Josh: Where are you?

Hailee: In my room to try and calm down, because the stupid bitch in charge of todays events told me to take a hike

Hailee: Fucking bitch

Hailee: She can take a hike right off the cliff at the camp on Sunday

Hailee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now