Covid Times

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"What's your problem?" Diggs asked, as Josh glared at nothing in particular.

"Nothing." Josh muttered.

"Well obviously it's something. You look like someone ran your dog over."

Josh rolled his eyes and looked at him. "Don't we all nowadays." He shot back.

Diggs raised his brows, "touché. What's up though? Dorsey saying stupid shit again?"

Josh sighed softly. "He's always saying stupid shit, it's costing this goddamn team. But dad is sick apparently with stomach and sinus issues of some sort. Don't really know what's up but my mom texted and told me. Said her and Hailee both don't feel great too. Hoping it's just a 24-hour flu. Just makes me nervous with Hailee being pregnant and my dad getting older. But Hailee's been dealing with nausea and stuffiness for weeks now, we've kind been shrugging it off and blaming it on the pregnancy." He explained.

Diggs nodded. "I'm sorry man, that's awful. I hope they get better."

Josh nodded. "Yeah me too."

"Stay locked in for us. But tell me if you need anything."

"Thanks." He murmured.

It was the day before the game against the patriots. They were leaving later that day to head to Boston but Josh always liked to spend time with Hailee before he left. His family as well if they were in town, which his parents happened to be.

He had left before the 3 of them had so he had no idea any of them felt sick until he got to practice that morning.

"Hails?" He called out, as he walked down the hallway.

"Josh? Don't come in here." Hailee answered from their bedroom..

His brows furrowed. "Why?"

He heard a sigh.

"Did you look at my messages?"

" Haven't been on my phone."

"You have to leave." She murmured, before sneezing.

"Leave? Why?" He asked.

" parents and I—we tested positive for covid. I don't want you to get sick, you can't be here."

"W-What? You were fine last night...weren't you?" He asked.

"I don't know...I had a headache last night. But I woke up feeling like shit. I feel like I have mono. This kid is draining me." She huffed.

"I'm sorry. Is there anything I can do for you? You shouldn't be on your own. Are my parents okay?"

She sniffled, feeling another sneeze started to build up.

"Your dad is sicker than your mom and I. But she's okay I think. She's been up and around checking on us." She told him before sneezing again.

"Okay. Should I test?" He asked, feeling even more stressed suddenly.


He nodded, "okay."
The covid test was thankfully negative. Josh was about to get on the plane headed to Boston for the game. It had honestly been hard for him to leave his family knowing they were sick. They were originally supposed to fly to Boston for the game as well but then got sick.

"Hey mom." Josh said into his phone, standing on the tarmac by the bills private jet.

"Hi sweetie..." Lavonne answered softly.

"How are you all doing?"

"...not great. Your dad has a fever and it's creeping up. My headache is getting worse." She answered, before sniffling.

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