Golfing with the Boys

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Jake whistled jokingly as Hailee stepped off the golf cart and bent over to pick up her dropped tee.

Josh's head shot up from his phone immediately, a glare reaching his face.

Jake lifted his hands in surrender, stepping back towards Kyle, Sam and Max as Tyler handed them tequila fusions.

"Babe, stand up." Josh murmured, getting out of the drivers seat and gently grabbing onto her arm.

"I'm getting my tee, it's under the cart." She answered obliviously, about to get on the ground.

His eyes widened as her tennis skirt lifted, showing the bottom of the built in shorts. He looked up checking their surroundings, thankfully seeing his golf buddies were distracted with their alcoholic beverages.

"I'll get it, my arms are longer." He gently set his hand on her lower back to get her attention.

"K. Thank you." She stood up straight and adjusted her skirt.

Josh got on the ground and reached under the cart as Hailee walked around the cart to the guys.

"Can I have one?" She asked Kyle.

Josh typically golfed with his guy friends in Orange County but always did it drunk. She usually didn't come because golf wasn't all that interesting to her and she sometimes found drunk man-children to be extremely annoying but occasionally hanging out with them all was fun. If only they could convince their wives to come so she wasn't the only girl—besides Jake who was gay and his partner absolutely hated golf.

Kyle sipped on his drink and nodded. He gestured his with empty hand at Tyler.

"Tequila or vodka?" Tyler asked, opening the cooler.

"Tequila." She answered, lifting her sunglasses for a moment before sliding them back down.

He grabbed two out and handed one to her and then the other to Josh as he came up behind her.

"Holy shit." Her face grimaced as she tried it.

"Straight tequila baby." Josh told her before tipping his head back and downing a third of it.

She coughed and shook her head slowly before walking over to the cart and grabbing a hat to protect her head from the sun.

"Mrs Allennnnn." Max drew out, as he grabbed fireball shots out of his and Kyle's cart.

Hailee turned towards the group and sighed. "Gonna be blackout by the end of this." She muttered.

"That's the point little lady." He snickered, handing one to everyone.

She rolled her eyes at his nicknames and took one as he handed it to her.

"Alright, to a very drunk day of golf my friends. Let the competition commence. Cheers." Sam spoke up, as they all opened the bottles and downed them.

Hailee attempted to shut off her senses until she swallowed it all before chucking the bottle in the cooler.

Jake stood over her and burped in her face.

"Jesus! You are disgusting." She rolled her eyes, backing away from him.

Josh sighed with an eye roll and gently pushed him out of the way. He leaned down and kissed her without hesitation. She kissed him back, slightly melting into him.

"Quit it lovebirds." Max groaned dramatically.

"Bring Callie next time." Hailee answered with a shrug as her and Josh broke apart.

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