Wedding Surprise

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"Are you excited to go home?" Hailee asked, looking up from her nails.

Josh paused his caressing of her leg and glanced at her. She had found early on their relationship that his love language was touch—not in a sexual way but he always had his hand on her in one way another. She found it cute.

"Yes, very. Love Buffalo like it's my home but I'm excited to see my family. Are you?" He asked, returning his attention to the road.

"Mhmm! I need a break. I'm tired." She sighed, resting her hand on her stomach.

"I bet. Are you still nauseous?" He wondered, thinking about earlier that day. She hadn't been able to get out of bed for half the day due to how bad her nausea had been.

She shrugged. "A little. Nothing the Pepcid I took can't fix."

He nodded and nudged her hand out of the way so he could set his hand on her stomach. She smiled at the small gesture. She set her hand over his and let out a content sigh.

They were headed to her friend Anna's wedding. Josh had met her a couple times and they had even had a double day a couple months prior with Anna and her soon to be husband.

"11 weeks 5 days..." Josh murmured, getting a notification on the car screen, his phone hooked up to it by Bluetooth.

She looked at it and nodded, her smile growing. She had truly found her person.

"Baby Allen is between the size of a lime and a plum today?" She observed, picking up his phone to read the words.

"That's wild."

"It is. Hey, don't forget. This is a secret for now. I don't want to make Anna's day about me." She reminded.

He nodded, understanding. He wasn't so sure if he could actually keep his mouth shut though, he was that excited.

"If you feel sick at all during the wedding or the reception, please tell me." He practically pleaded.

"I will. Promise." She reassured.

He nodded.

"I'm not gonna lie, I'm truly only going to this for Anna and our friendship. I feel okay but if this was anyone else I don't know if I would've gotten out of bed. The nausea comes in waves." She admitted.

"Understandable. You've felt sick for a month now."

"Yeah. I'll be okay. I am nervous that someone will figure it out and then I'll ruin her day. I always see those stories about people ruining the bride and grooms day by getting engaged or announcing a pregnancy. Feels kinda wrong." She shrugged.

"It is a little weird to do it unannounced but she wouldn't be pissed at you if you told people I don't think? She doesn't seem uptight like that."

"Yeah, I don't know. I just want to keep it to ourselves for a little longer if possible. I'm still not 12 weeks yet."

"True. We don't have to tell anyone."

She nodded in agreement.

"Anna knows me well but I honestly don't think she'd suspect it as much, especially because it's her day and she'll be rightfully distracted. It's Alena that'll catch on."

"Your Dickinson writer?" He asked for confirmation."

"Yes. She figures everything out."

"Hmm. She'll keep it a secret if she finds out right?"

Hailee nodded, "yes for sure."
"Hails! Long time no see." Adrian exclaimed, as he noticed Hailee and Josh walk into the gated outdoor venue.

"Adrian!! Oh my god hi! How are you?" She said happily, hugging her past costar.

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