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Don't know how true it actually is but Josh apparently wants to marry Hailee?? Cute af. Sick of the fandom treating her like shit over it too. She's 26 and he's 27, that is 100% normal. And mans most likely hasn't even proposed yet, he might wait until January of 2024 or of 2027 (not manifesting that long) lmao. There's nothing wrong with him saying he wants to marry her either like...bffr. Also, 2 months, 6 months, 5 years...if you know you know. I'm sick of people bringing up his ex too. If he didn't propose to her after the 5/6 years they were together then there's a reason! Grow tf up Hailee fans :)
"Where are we going? Can you guys stop ignoring me?" Hailee asked, looking up from her phone.

"You'll see. Just sit back and relax." Cheri answered softly, glancing at Pete who was in the drivers seat.

A confused look reached her face.

"Why is no one telling me anything?" She asked, getting fed up. All day, everyone she was close to had ghosted her. It was literally her 27th birthday and besides getting the typical birthday wishes, she had been ignored. They were in New York City too. Of all places to be ignored, it had to be her favorite city.

She sighed and sat back, scrolling through her instagram, liking birthday posts her fans had made. At least they were acknowledging her.

She knew Josh was extremely busy and he had a game the day before and also one the next day so he was probably just relaxing and having a break but he had barely spoken to her and that made her a bit sad. She never realized how lonely being a NFL girlfriend could be sometimes. She knew he wouldn't be there to celebrate her birthday but a bit of conversation would've made her day.

Hailee: Where am I being taken to? Y'all are literally being rude at this point. If there's a surprise party or something then I'm sorry for being selfish but that's no reason to literally leave me on read. :(

Griffin: Chill sis lol. Just chill

Hailee rolled her eyes and fought the urge to chuck her phone out the window. Griffin and Mia were behind them in an Uber, they had just gotten to New York that day.

She looked out the window, watching the busy streets of NYC as her dad drove. For a moment of time she started to truly question everyone's behavior when she realized Josh was texting Cheri. She recognized the ring tone too well but then Pete somehow seemed to distract her by asking her about what she was in the mood to eat.

Meanwhile, Cheri muted her phone.

Josh: How far out are you?

Josh: Is she okay? I've only texted her twice today. Definitely not enough compared to a typical day.

Cheri: About 10 minutes ! 😃

Cheri: She's annoyed because everyone is ignoring her

Josh: Oh

Josh: Well no one can keep it a secret so I guess that's the best way.

Cheri: Yes

"We're almost there Hai." Pete told her, figuring it was time to start communicating.

"Yep." Hailee mumbled in response.

They would be going to a restaurant after the big event of the night but the place they were going to first was about 10 minutes out when traffic was good.

Once Pete got them to their destination, both him and Cheri out of the car. Pete opened Hailee's door as Cheri stood by the car.

"What are you doing? Why are we in the middle of a park." Hailee questioned defensively, looking between the two of them. It was getting dark out but in certain areas of the park, the light was still present.

Hailee ImaginesWhere stories live. Discover now