A Different Perspective

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"Offense! Defense! Line up!" One of the coaches yelled before blowing his whistle.

Josh jogged over into his resume game position, huddling up close to the ball.

"No calls until we fix this mess." The coach said, walking over to the new drafted players. They looked out of place and lost—but that's what happens when the coaches and staff decide to let the practice players...practice.

"Wyatt! Dude it's been months. Thought you were coming to the Nobu dinner last week with all of us." Josh said quietly, looking at his teammate.

Wyatt looked at him, a slightly disinterested look on his face.

"Didn't feel like going to a dinner where you decided to bring your brunette bitch." He shrugged, before pulling his helmet down.

Josh stood up straight from his hunched over position, completely taken back.

"What did you just say?" He asked, to make sure he was hearing correctly.

"I. Want. Nothing. To. Do. With. Your. Brunette. Bitch." Wyatt said, tauntingly with a small smirk.

All Josh saw was red as he immediately tackled Wyatt to the ground, punching him anywhere he could.

A bunch of whistles went off as other veteran players ran over to break up the fight.

"What the hell was that Allen?! What the hell! Walk it off, now!" The head coach, Sean, shouted, pointing towards the stadium bleachers.

Josh gave Wyatt the finger before standing up, pushing past his team members and walking away.

He yanked his helmet off and threw it on the ground, his fingers running through his hair as he tried to process the situation.

"Oh my god." Hailee mumbled, looking at her mom. She had not expected to see her boyfriend get into a physical fight with another teammate on day 1 of training camp. She watched Josh walking across the field, clearly riled up. Another teammate ran up to him to see if he was okay but he was quickly shrugged off by Josh.

A select amount of Bills Mafia fans were allowed at the stadium so the fight was definitely on camera.

Hailee glanced at his coaches and staff who were making sure Wyatt was being helped and discussing the situation.

"Hold my purse please?" She asked her mom standing up.

"Are you allowed to go into the field?" Cheri asked with worry, not wanting her to get kicked out.

"He's walking off the field...if I'm not on the field itself then it should be okay." She shrugged.

Cheri nodded and gestured for her purse which Hailee immediately handed it to her before walking over in Josh's direction.

"Josh...What's wrong? What was that?" She said to him, as he walked past the stadium, ready to go inside.

He looked up, hearing her voice. She recognized the panicked anger on his face and quickly guided him inside, away from the cameras and everyone.

As soon as they were alone, he hugged her tightly, his breathing picking up in pace. She hugged him back, gently rubbing his back.

"Breathe...what's the matter?" She asked, as he started to hyperventilate.

"...t-this fucking season...I can't do it."

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