Texas Sun

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- Saturday -

"Water." Josh said, 5 minutes into Hailee and his drive to the comic con event.

Hailee opened her eyes, but kept her head resting against his shoulder and her hand on her stomach.

"I can't, I will throw up." She muttered, swallowing slowly.

He sighed, stress building in his body. She was 8 weeks and 5 days pregnant with the worst "morning" sickness and of course, she had an event in Texas, one of the hottest states.

"Just a little? Please? You're making me nervous." He pleaded, holding his Stanley cup in front of her.

She huffed before tilting her head down so she could sip on the water with the straw. She drank a sip before pushing the cup away.

He set it down in the door, before kissing her head and caressing her shoulder.

"God, it's so hot. Why did you have to knock me up just in time for Summer." She grumbled, pulling at the front of her denim dress and trying to fan herself.

"Sorry." He said sheepishly.

"I love you and all but I'm really regretting opening my legs that night...this is the consequences of my own freaking actions." She whined.

A small smile reached his face as her complaining.

"After you're done today, I will give you a full body massage and feed you dinner. You won't have to do a thing, I promise." He stuck out his pinky finger.

She looked up at him, s hint of disbelief on her face but she wrapped her pink around his anyway.

"Break that promise and you're sleeping on the couch for a week." She threatened before resting her head against him again.

"I won't, I promise."
A muffled cry escaped past Hailee's lips as she rested against the musty toilet backstage at the comic con event.

Josh was kneeling behind her, rubbing her back as she tried to control her breathing. She had managed to get through the whole meet and greet thanks to the ginger candy she had popped into her mouth as soon as she got out of the car. She silently thanked the large fans that were going inside the building too. But her nausea quickly caught up to her once she was no longer distracted.

"Forget about dinner tonight, I'm never eating again." She managed to get out before starting to dry heave again.

Josh felt bad, there was really not a whole lot he could do. He could be there for her and comfort her but he couldn't take the nausea or the fatigue away from her, which honestly annoyed him.

She coughed hard, trying to get rid of the icky lump in the back of her throat which quickly led to another round of vomiting.

Josh quickly gathered her hair in his hands, as she gripped onto the toilet with shaky hands. Tears forcefully made their way down her face as a reflex to the force of it all.

She sniffled and leaned forward, grabbing toilet paper to wipe her eyes and mouth before flushing the toilet. She cleared her throat a couple times breathlessly before leaning back into his embrace.

He kissed her head and gently wrapped his arm around her stomach.

It had been hell for 2 weeks straight and she had a feeling it wasn't going to let up for a while but in the present time all she could do was keep herself hydrated, minimize as much stress as possible and lean on Josh and her family.
It had been a couple hours since the comic con event and Hailee was conked out in their hotel room, finally letting her body get the rest it needed.

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