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We are on our way to Oslo right now. We've been on the road for 3 hours now, we have about 4 hours left. The boys are in the upstairs lounge, from all the screaming and yelling I'm guessing they are playing Fifa. I'm sitting in my room, talking to Zoe over facetime. I just filled her in on everything that has happened the past few days. I often forget to text or call her these days.

"Okay, hold up. You fell and hurt your back and knee? Tommy has been the biggest sweetheart ever, even though you thought he was flirting with someone else? You dyed your hair and got a new tattoo? And you have a date with Tommy tonight? Woaw. Anything else?" She asks, looking surprised.

"Eh yeah. There is one huge thing." I say, with a nervous laugh.

"Did you sleep with him!?" She asks, with wide eyes.

"What? No!?" I say shocked, but still with a laugh. "Like, I want to, but I don't know if it would be too soon." I continue.

"Then what is it?" She asks eagerly.

"I, eh... I found my brother." I say.

"What!? That's amazing! Who is it? How did you find him? Did he show up in Copenhagen?" She asks, surprised with a big smile on her face.

"My dad told me yesterday. It's eh... It's Clem." I say with a smile.

"WHAT!?" She burst out in shock, her eyes are about to pop out of her face. I can't help but to laugh a little.

"That was my reaction too." I say with a laugh.

"How? I mean, what? I mean.. I don't understand. Clem? As in Clem Cherry? Guitarist in OTP Clem?" She asks, confused.

"Do you know anyone else called Clem Cherry?" I ask with a laugh.

"I don't understand." She says.

"I'm still a little confused about everything myself, but yes; Clem Cherry is my brother." I say, laughing at her reaction.

"How do you feel about it? And does this affect your relationship with Tommy?" She asks.

"I don't really know how to feel actually. I've kinda been in shock ever since my dad told me. I don't really think it will change anything though. He has been protective of me since the beginning, that will not change. If anything, I think he'll just be a little more protective. And no, I don't think it will affect my relationship with Tommy. I really hope it won't." I say.

"It must be alot to take in all at once. How is your anxiety handling all of this?" She asks, looking slightly worried.

"It's not that bad. I felt it quite a bit when I saw Clem after my dad told me. I think that might be why I reacted so extremely, yelling and hitting him when he said he already knew." I say, looking down feeling a little embarrassed.

"You hit him!? Wait, he knew?" She asks, first sounding shocked but then confused.

"His, or I guess it our mum had told him 3 days ago, but he didn't know what to do, so he waited to say anything. I was so shocked from my dad telling me that I got kinda mad when Clem said he already knew..." I say, looking up again.

"Woaw..." She mumbles.

"Yeah..." I mumble.

"So what's the plan today? What are You doing for the date?" She asks, changing the subject. Thank you!

"I don't know, he doesn't wanna tell me!" I say.

"If you don't know where you are going, how do you know how to dress? Like is it something casual like the cinema? Or out to a fancy dinner? Those are two different looks!" She burst out.

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