A difference

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(Zindello's P.O.V.)
"He's a fucking Traitor, Tommy!" Arthur sneered at our brother, "we should put a bullet in his head". Tommy just shook his head at him "he's is not a traitor". "He gave that copper information about us! He's a double-agent" Arthur sneered and turned to look at me with an angry scowl.

 "He gave that copper information about us! He's a double-agent" Arthur sneered and turned to look at me with an angry scowl

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"I'm not a double-agent. I'm a spy" I replied to him, "There is a difference. A double-agent turns to the side of the enemy and goes against their former employer. A spy doesn't, they forever remain loyal". Arthur still didn't belief me. So I continued "The world is based on deception, Arthur. There is no place where espionage is not used. And spying is an expensive method of acquiring information" I shrugged at Arthur, "you still handed out information about us!" He continued to argue. I stood up annoyed. "First of all, I just followed orders! So do not not accuse me of being a traitor" I told him and motioned to Thomas, "Second of all, that information I gave, was fucking bait. The kind of bait that lured Campbell into giving us information". Arthur narrowed his eyes at me. "You want to know what I found out by being a spy, huh? Inspector Campbell was sent here to terminate us like a fucking rat investation. But I could hold him on a string when I provided false information. All the while recieving some back. Ever wondered why The Red Dogs became a player in this game?" I questioned my family. Beside Tommy, the rest of my family shook their head or stayed silent. "The Red Dogs are youngsters with no form of power untill the Birmingham police corpse gave them their power. Those youngsters might think they are untouchable, but they aren't. Red dogs don't follow their master's orders? Lock them up or strip them down and let them fend for themselves on the street. After all, Campbell doesn't want to loose coppers in some gang war. But who cares if the gangs kill each other. So to protect their own skins they hired the Red Dogs" I explained. "Zindello stalled for us by giving false information. We needed to make sure that we could get the upper hand" Tommy explained, "but Inspector Campbell is not stupid. He knows spies cannot be usefully employed without a certain intuitive sagacity. They cannot be properly managed without benevolence and straightforwardness. Without subtle ingenuity of mind, one cannot be certain of the truth of their reports and information. If a secret piece of news is shared by said spy, he must be put to death together with the man he shares the secret with". "Chester Campbell became suspicious of the information I provided for him. But most of all, began to suspect that I informed Tommy about everything that I could find. So he needed to kill me. But considering I now worked as an informant it became a bit harder for him, so he tasked the Red Dogs with it" I continued, "but you saw it coming. So you two made a plan, fooling us all in believing that Zindello was actually a traitor and then kill him before the Red Dogs even got the chance" Polly sighed understanding our plan. Both Tommy and I nodded at our aunt. Tommy had ordered me to make sure Arthur, John or any other Blinder would see me talk with Campbell. I talked in public where I knew a Blinder would be. And thus the lie of being a traitor was born. "Once a spy always a spy, huh Zindello?" John eventually said breaking the silence. "But never a double-agent" I replied.

I toss and turn in my bed. I couldn't sleep, not because of my mind playing tricks on me. Sending me back to the war. No, it was like my mind said that someone was watching me. I sat upright in my bed and looked around the dark bedroom. Squinting my eyes to see more clearer. But nothing, not a person or a thing was in my room. Still I was on edge, to focused on my surrounding. I stand up from my bed and walk to my window. The sniper inside of me scanned every window that stood opposite of mine, every rooftop and every alleyway. My eyes catching a glimpse of a person moving in the dark alleyway across the street. My fingers gripped the windowsill. I did not like that I was being watched and I wanted to eliminate this threat. I turned my head to the door, behind it was the hallway that would lead to the other bedrooms. Tommy had forbid me to go out. But my stubborness gained the better of me and I made the decision to go outside. Putting my shoes on and my long dress coat. I carefully closed the door behind me, not wanting to wake up my family. I cross the cobblestone street to the otherside and walk into the dark alleyway. I halt as I see a silhouette, the outline, of a person. I chuckle low "hello Jesse". The Red Dog steps closer, a sinister look on his face as he steps a bit into the light. "So the rumors are true. You're not dead". I shook my head at him "I already died a long time ago. I'm just here because there is just one stubborn part in my soul that needs to finish a job. Once that is done, I can finally rest". "And what job might that be?" Jesse questions. "I'm a soldier by trait. And a soldier engages and neutralize the enemy". "Well, you might be a soldier. But you lost your touch, Zindello" Jesse commented. I raised an eyebrow in confusion. I see his eyes move to look behind me and instinctivly I turned around. But before I could refister who or what was behind me. I saw a the handle of a revolver come towards me. Smashing my head and ultimatly knocking me out.

Published: 21st of June 2023

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