Chapter 19 -Haunting Silence

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AN: Just to those that did not get the message. Please read the updated version of Chapter 18. Added in some 200+ words around Aahil's conversation with his mother.

Chapter 19 – Haunting Silence

"It is He Who created you from a single person, and made his mate of like nature, in order that he might dwell with her (in love)."

                        -Surah Al- Araf, verse 189

Waliya woke up, read the dua upon waking up and then reached for her cell phone to check the time. She was surprised to see that she was up so early without the need of an alarm clock, but then a spike of pain shot through her lower stomach. Suddenly, it made sense to her why she was up so early. Her stomach was cramping and she knew that this was a sign for her monthlies to start within the next week or so.

Immediately it made her moody and grumpy. She just didn't want to get out of bed and deal with life, when the pain was so bad already. It was like having a mace taken to your stomach and being it with it repeatedly, then having your stomach lining being attached to the little hooks as it lifts up in preparation for the next shot. Then, as if that wasn't enough torture, it would feel like the mace is being twisted in your stomach, grabbing your uterus and then swinging it side to side just for added effect.

Then, as expected, Aahil's call came. She spoke to him, but then with him annoying her and asking her to connect to Skype, she just became even more annoyed with him and well, all the pain. It was unfair of her to be harsh on him when he didn't even understand even a tiny fraction of what she was going through, but it was early and the pain was already intense. Then, as she spoke to him, she was consumed with a terrible pain in her stomach that travelled to her back as well. It was at that point where she abruptly cut the call with Aahil.

She felt guilty and she knew she had to apologise, but she never got the chance when she spoke to him. It slipped her mind completely, so instead she made dua to Allah. However, after his call she made her fajr and spent most of the day in bed. Towards the latter part of the day, after Maghrib or so, his mother came around with a basket full of sweets and chocolates in it.

Together Waliya and her mother in law sat, laughing and talking while Waliya enjoyed her hot chocolate and her mother in law enjoyed her tea –the tea had to be made according to Aahil's specifications, which in turn made Waliya laugh even more. It was cute that mother and son had the same precision for their tea.

To Waliya, it was just a cup of milk, water, teabags and sugar. There was no true science in making it. There was no special skill required to make it, but it seemed as if the Khan family had some sort of a special secret manner of making tea.

Hours later, when she left, Waliya went on to Skype. She had to talk to Aahil. She was ecstatic –if she ignored the mind numbing cramps she was experiencing –to see he was online. Without a second of hesitation, she dialled him. They spoke for an hour or so, when she felt sleepy and disconnected it, after he left her with some powerful advice.

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