Chapter 1- Now?

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Chapter 1 –Now?

“I wish you knew what I have in my heart for you, but there is no way for you to know except by my actions.”

-Umar Ibn Al-Khattab (R.A)

It was November Waliya and Asmaa had just finished their last papers ever. Waliya was almost certain that she passed, probably not well, but she was confident that she would pass. However, being a Muslim girl, she believed that it was all to be left in Allah’s hands.

As she and Asmaa drove to her house, Asmaa’s husband Omar, called her. Waliya waggled her eyes at Asmaa who blushed and answered the call. “Assalaamualaikum, Omar,” she said, a slight breathlessness could be heard.

Omar asked her something and she just replied, “No, Omar, I am going to Waliya’s house now. Okay, Wa’alaikumusalaam. Jee, I love you too,” she said and smiled before cutting the call.

While Waliya was used to their talks, since Asmaa got married three years ago, towards the end of their first year, it had never failed to make her feel like a third wheel. She felt lonely and sad, but she knew that Allah had a great plan for her. There was just the ache of wanting to get married since her first year, and yet she was still unmarried. Four years ago when she spoke to her father about wanting to get married, he said he had a man in mind for her and that he had already spoken to the man. Yet, as time went by and just before they could come for proposal, the man and his family decided against the marriage.

Waliya was hurt by that quick jerk. There was no doubt about it. It wasn’t that she was in a hurry to marry the first man that spoke to her father, but she trusted her father’s choice. From what her father had told her about the man, she thought he was ‘just okay’. She was never certain of how their life would have worked out. However, these last few weeks, her father was talking about Nikkah. It was weird.

But she was snapped out of it when Asmaa spoke. “Omar sent his salaam to you,” she said softly, noticing that Waliya was deep in thought.

“Wa’alaikumusalaam,” Waliya replied robotically.

“Wals, what is wrong?” Asmaa asked softly, gently.

Waliya looked at Asmaa and smiled sadly. “I feel lost. I feel as if my life is empty, but more than that, I feel as if something is going to happen.”

Asmaa raised her eyebrows at Waliya, indicating that she wanted to hear more of what was on Waliya’s mind. Yet, Asmaa being her best friend, knew that Waliya will speak when she is ready, she just needed a little prompting to share. So, instead of pressing the obviously serious matter on Waliya’s mind, Asmaa opened the window and looked out enjoying their little scenic drive to Waliya’s home.

Minutes later, Waliya spoke up. “I really want to get married now. I feel like years of my life has been wasted being single. I wish I had had a husband to speak to and rely on. I wish that I wasn’t so alone. I mean, I know that I am only twenty-two years old, but I feel like a husband will expect children soon and I want to first spend time with him. I don’t know if I am overthinking things, but that is just the way I feel.”

Asmaa was at a loss of words. What was there that she could say to make her best friend feel better? “Waliya, how about you, me, Jade and Christina go out for ice cream? Or lunch?” she said giving her a wink. Food was one thing they all shared in common. Especially an undeniable love for chocolate and ice cream and Oreo.

Waliya shrugged and gave a non-committal smile. “I think you’re right, Asmaa. Maybe it’s time I go out for a bit,” she smiled and started dialing her mother’s number.

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