CH. 1- prologue

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//// third persons pov////

Roxanne has been through a lot , she had to provide for her family after her father bailed out on them ,
when her mothers diagnosis was official her whole world collapsed, her dad ran off with one of his bitches, nowhere to be found.
Vera, her mom, always worried about the money for her treatment, but roxanne would always take care of it one way or the other.
Her sister Zoe was just graduating high school when all this started and now almost is finished with college,but college wasn't an option for Roxanne, unfortunately , with only her working in the house, she had to had multiple jobs, so that

1. the hospital bills could be paid
2. the house bill could be paid
3. there was food on the table

So aside from her day job, she has a night job too, of course the night job paid more, but it was, um how can i say this.. a bit illegal.
in the morning she worked in a coffee shop, it was okay, it was chill,it was the time where she could actually relax , zoe would come by sometime with her friends, that always made roxanne happy, because after she had found her night job they barely even spoke to eachother.
Zoe would either be at college, out with friends or in the hospital taking care of mom. Roxanne was a bit secretive with her night job of course for good reasons but zoe felt lonely always alone at home.
Roxanne would always come with bruises at home and with a lot of cash, she would try hiding her bruises with makeup and patches but it would almost always be noticeable.
Roxanne would always come home tired , so zoe didnt bother making conversation, she felt guilty for wanting her sister to notice her a bit more, to ask her how her day went, to be like sisters and talk about boy problems, but she distanced herself because she felt like a burden , she would think that maybe if she wasnt here, Roxanne wouldnt need two jobs to manage.
But roxanne didnt know about all this, she was too focused on how to make more money, how to be better and how to take care of what needed to be taken care of, thank god Zoe was there to take care of mom, mentally because roxanne wasnt strong enough to .
They both were mad at their dad, they saw him as a coward , they didn't want to be like him, they felt disgusted sharing genes with him, he betrayed them and left them to the streets.
Roxanne for the last five years had been training with some of her friends, training for jobs her friends found for her, after she was finished with her day job, she would directly go to Pete's garage, pete was rox's closest friend he was there for her, supported her like noone else. They both worked Out in his garage, he had a boxing bag , some weights and other equipment, that was too expensive for her to buy on her own, what she did have tho was two pairs of boxing gloves, she had bought them herself, and she was proud of it.
Pete knew the job, he worked there too, that's how roxanne found it, he and his friends requested her to their bosses and they agreed, of course roxanne was sceptical at first, but she was more desperate about money and gave up.
So for the last five years, she was boxing , underground. Bets from mostly drunk fools who had nothing else to do other than gamble on who would win paid her bills. But at the end of the day , there was food on the table.

That's her story. But there's more to it.

To be continued

Hey hope you liked it let me know from the stars and the comments! ❤️❤️

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