CH.3- Mom

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i furiously tap my phone screen to call my sister while i frantically run, panting in every breath i take.

Pick up pick up , i reach the front desk

"Hi! um, in Which room is mrs stavrou "

I haven't been so long here that i have forgotten her room number.


The woman behind the desk answers me after she checks

"Thank you"

I say and immediately run to the elevator and tap level 5.
In the meantime i get the chance to catch my breath.

I pray to not be something bad, i close my phone and look at the mirror, i fix my hair , why is it so messy? I fix my shirt it looks unironed. Why am i so stressed?

The doors open and i head over to the room i was supposed to. I didn't even bring anything, not sweets, no balloons, no flowers.. nothing.

I knock on the door while clearing my throat.

After a few minutes a woman in a wheelchair opens the door, she looks tired and pale but she still manages to put a smile on her face .

It wasn't until later that i realised that that woman, was my mother.

"My baby! How are you my Roxanne"

I didn't answer i just stood there .


"Oh i missed you so much !"

She tries to hug me while she sits i try to do it back.we sit like that for a moment in silence.

"Where is Zoe, mom?"

She pulls away again with a smile on her face.

"You know we called you."

She says with a calm voice changing the subject.

"I.. i know im sorry , i was sleeping."

"Did something happen,mom ?"

I ask getting worried again.

"Oh honey, don't worry everything is going to be okay."

She answers

"So now its not okay? -uh i .. don't understand explain it to me , please"

I get frustrated.

Then Suddenly the door opens, Zoe and the doctor enter the room, my sister with tears in her eyes enters the room first and behind following an expressionless doctor.

I run to my sister ask if everything is okay she tells me that i should go speak with the doctor while she walks past me and goes to hug mom.

I look at them hugging, then i look at the doctor, still confused.

"Its better if we speak at my office"

He says, i follow behind as he walks out , peering a look through my shoulder to my family.
We reach his office.

"Please take a seat"

I do, and i prepare for the worst.

"Would you like some water?"

"What is going on doctor?"

Just get to the fucking point, jesus.

"You see, ms stavrou your mother has had a very difficult time here, and according her state here, we are happy to inform you that we have finally found a donor for her."

I was shocked.. i wanted to cry

"A donor?"

My voice cracked as i spoke and tears started falling from my eyes.
I just couldn't believe it, it was such a relief.

"I... I don't understand. You said there was a little to no chance that we could find a match."

"Correct, you see the chance of finding a match is between 29% "

"And , what happens now?"

I ask while wiping my tears away, thinking of the future me and my family could have.

"The donor is waiting... In America "
My smile dropped
"W... what?"

In America... In another country.... In another continent.... 10 hours away?... With what money.. with what visa?
It seems like the silence disturbs him, so he cuts it off . maybe worried of what I was thinking.

"I understand that it must be difficult to make such a quick change, but i promise it won't be forever, only until your mother is healed and ready to return home."

"What about the flight tickets? I don't think i can afford that"

"Well your mothers insurance covers only hers and one more for the flight"

"Ok i understand , thank you doctor "

We shook hands and i left. I went to my mothers room , i knocked first

"Come in"

A young voice said. So i did.
I found my mother sleeping and my sister holding her hand in hers beside her.
"Roxanne can you believe it?"

My now happy sister asks.

"No I can't "
I say monotonously.

"We're going to America!"

My eyebrows frown

"We? "
I ask
"I think you're confused "
"Im going"
"You can't leave"
I say
She drops her smile
"What why?"
She laughs it off.with a confused face

"You have to stay here and study, you have to finish college."

Her face changes from a confused girl to a bothered woman.

"And who's gonna take care of mom? , you?"
She rudely points out, theres silence in the room.
I sigh.

"Look Zoe i understand that you want to take care of mom but you're almost finished with college, don't.... Don't.."

all this was just so overwhelming
I couldn't get the words out of my mouth, But i didn't need to because Zoe started speaking .

She sit up from her seat .

" you look here Roxanne! I will decide for my life and i will go to America with mom, if you want you can follow but if you don't I won't blame you."

She heads to the door but as she walks past me , she mumbled

"Im used to people disappointing me."

I watched her as she walked out.




To be continued

Hiii so i had taken a biggg brake and I understand that some of you might have been angry or annoyed but im back at the moment and im trying to stay motivated on continuing to write these stories, from your part it would help me if you give me feedback and put a star in the chapters you like. Thank you and bis nächstes Mal ❤️

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