CH. 12- Rhea..

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Its 00:20 we are all seating at the living room, the guards left they are with their family too, as Rey told them to go. Even that girl is still here, Rey said she could sleep here as it was a long day for all of us, my sister and that girl are in the kitchen, bringing drinks and snacks for everyone, since we couldn't go get dinner like Rey originally planned.

Rey is a natural leader as it seems, he ordered me to tell us what the hell I've been hiding, Infront of everyone, and here i am, with a glass of vodka disguised as water seating with arms on my knees and drowning my pain in alcohol, for the first time in years. Everyone is silent and looking at me, even that girl, who even is she?

I sighed, here goes nothing
"For the past.. 4 and a half years I've been... I've been boxing underground for money"
I explained the main subject, they don't need to know everything.

When my mom heard that she gasped,
"So i was right, you did follow your dad's footsteps "
Say's Rey who eventually was partly right all along.

"Okay whatever the fuck that means ? Now care to explain mom?"
I turn my head towards mom
",i know we never told you this, - probably because it wasn't. .. important "
She glares at Rey.

"But yeah your father was a wrestler, he .. worked with Rey, that's how we met"
She said nonchalant like this information was not important whatsoever.
I sighed, right now i really don't give a fuck.
" Im going to bed"

I say and i just leave.They all watch me as i go, the truth is i did sleep, I just layed there, on my bed, my new bed, i think i miss my old one. After a while i heard them climb the stairs and then ... Silence, that's the only way i managed to fall asleep, with nothing but void in my ears.

The sun hit my eyes, ugh i used to love that, now i hate it, California sun might be hotter i don't know. I woke up , well there was nothing else i could do, i opened the window, mainly because my room smelled, damn i really gotta clean this sometime, i went to the bathroom, i brushed my teeth, then i striped naked  , suddenly i turned around and -


  Dominiks  friend was standing there in the shower naked, eyes widen and pink cheeks, frozen in place.

"Fuck- shit -im so sorry"

I say as i try to cover myself more and try to close my eyes, she widen her eyes and apologises too, then turns around so she won't see me but still I CAN SEE HER .

"Oh god this is horrible im so sorry" she says and turns around, i finally grab a towel  and get inside my room again.
I don't think i can unsee that.

I forgot about the shower and I just headed downstairs, where a big breakfast was waiting, i sat there as Zoe told me to wait for the others, and soon enough they came down, ready for their day, the girl did too and she turned red when she spotted me, but her face changed when she saw the others, she smiled and said

"Im so sorry for not introducing myself yesterday, it was rude of me,  im demi or Rhea, whichever you like"

My heart almost stopped when i heard that accent, she sounds familiar , nooo it can't be , how could i know someone like her?

I brushed it off and i started eating breakfast.

After i called Brandon, i asked if he was ok and thankfully he was, i asked if he could train me today and he agreed, he sent me his address and i said i would be there in about an hour.

Zoe's POV -

Today looks better than yesterday,  i think im going to an internet café to study, i heard that's what college students do around here.

I spend almost an hour trying to find what clothes to wear and another hour for my hair and makeup, which is typical for me.

I kiss my mom goodbye, i would love it if she could come with me .

"Maybe another time"

She says as always, its fine i can go myself. I see Dominik and his friend Rhea walking out, what about Roxanne? I don't know where's she is, its not like she states where and when she get out.

I yell at them and they turn around, to look at me

"Where are you guys going?"

I ask as i approach them,

"We are going to the airport, "

Dominik said

"Damian - our friend is coming back here in three hours or so."

Rhea added.

"Interesting! Would you mind if you drop me off somewhere?"

"Not at all, come on"
And so it happens.

Roxannes pov

I punch the bad for the 50th time, it's getting boring.

Brandon ordered, i rolled my eyes, Pete didn't act like that.

"Can i just - do something other than punching "

I say in-between breaths trying to convince him.

"Okay, drop and give me 30"

Ughhh i hate pushups, i prefer doing something with my legs.


I fall on the ground, this is harder than i thought.

My breath is all over the place, sweat is dripping on my forehead and armpits, probably also in places where not visible, i stay on the ground , shame, shame on me i look hopeless like that. Brandon comes closer to me, and looks over me, with pity.

"Looks like someone hasn't been training their upper body."

He says Jockingly and he sighs.

He then looks at the watch on his wrist,

"Oh look at that , it's been already 2 hours"


I say in disbelief, that sounds so unlike me, i need to get back on track.

"Yeah time passes quickly when you got a good company"

He laughs at me, then winks as he offers his hand out, i grab it ignoring that weird wink he added and he pulls me up.

"Feel free to take a shower, it's all the way to the left."

I nod and thank him.i grab my bag and head to the shower.

To be continued..

My brother's best friend {Rhea ripley × Fem OC}Όπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα