CH. 11- Tornado

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When we reach the house its already raining.

I get out of his car and i take my bag, he stops me

"Hey wait!"
I turn around

"This is my number"

He gives me a card, i resist before taking it but i take it anyway . Then he drives off.

The guards notice me like they were waiting for me and open the gates for. then they follow behind as i walk through the path of rocks and towards the entrance, where Rey is waiting for me-or us I don't know.
He looks at me  judgy and all. I just walk past him ignoring him but he continues to stare . I hear the door close.

As i enter i see my mom rushing towards me with water bottles in her hands,

"Oh there you are, kori mou"(my daughter)
i get a bit confused.why are they acting like this?

"Who was that again?"
Rey catches everyone's attention with his mom frowns her eyebrows at that .I turn around, did he really just asked me that? I chuckle out loud.

"Please, don't pretend to be my father"
I say tired and annoyed, and not in the mood to even go out

My mom scolded me, basically  telling me to better my manners

"See how she treats my father?"

I hear Dominik whisper to someone next to him, while they walk down to the basement with pillows and blankets, okay now im more confused.

"Okay, what's going on?"
I finally ask looking around for the person with the answers.

"There was a tornado warning just a few minutes ago, we've been trying to call you and find out where you are but-"
My mom tried to tell me
And then i hear it the pouring rain, the high pitched siren,  as the tornado comes closer and closer, we all look at eachother, waiting to do something ,,, my family looks terrified , but the rest act like it's an everyday activity . Rey rushes to my mom and hugs her tight, trying to confort her and i do the same to my sister, the difference is Rey wasn't scared.

They led us to the basement, a dark room full of old things and coldness, how is this little room going to fit the 8 of us? The only chair in the room is to support the little radio we need to hear the news . Its almost dark outside, we all sit down on the floor, i sit next to my sister. Time passes slowly because of the awkwardness, nothing  really is going on as we wait for the tornado to pass , everyone has their own little conversations, the two guards , mom and Rey , dominik and... that girl he has beside him. but i stay silent, I don't know why . my sister can't take it anymore, i see it, she wants to ask.
"Where were you?"

Zoe's POV -some hours ago -

This time im going to find out what she has been hiding from me all this time, I just I feel like  she doesn't even count on me anymore.
After she leaves I slowly follow her , from behind. She grabs a cab so do I and I follow behind again.
The way wasn't that long but where we ended up was really sketchy. why would she even come here? I pay the cab, i get out and I hide, I look at her enter a weird building .is it? Is that a boxing place? What? She boxes? Well that clears a lot of stuff up. The bruises, the muscles...yeah now that i think about it ...the signs were so obvious.
I sigh. Why are you doing this Roxanne? For what?

Back to the present- Roxannes pov

Everyone turns their heads towards us , i just ignored it like i didn't hear it.
"Just.. tell me- tell us "

I look around, mom looks at me like she is waiting for an answer too.
"I went shopping"

I say trying to find an excuse
"Oh yeah and where are the things you bought then?"

"I didn't find anything I liked"

" for god's sake Roxanne stop lying"

" I'm not lying I-"

"I followed you I know where you went"

" you did what?"

Now I was sat up , I looked at her and disbelief why would she do that?

"So i will give one last time to be honest with me -with.. us"

I sighed I don't know.. what i-i didn't want things to go like that, they weren't supposed to find out. My breath quickened , i think im going to pass out from the stress, from the pressure.. i just can't take it anymore, i shouldn't have done that, im sorry i-

"YOU! "

I point at Rey

"You told her? Didn't you?"
Rey looks confused

"What are you talking about?"
I approach him and point a finger at him.
"I know you know you assh-"

This girl next to Dominik came and pulled me behind , with her big muscly arms wrapped around my waist as my feet kicked through the air.

"Hey let me go!"

I said as i fought her hands off me, suddenly it came , the tornado... The flour shook and the building trembled, i grabbed onto the girl who was holding me not letting her go, as i almost shit my pants from the fear , she understood i was scared i think, so she let my feet touch the ground and she kept her arms around me, i kept on grabbing her, i don't know why, maybe from fear for my life, i think im going to cry, my hand starts to tremble, ive never experienced this before, but she is comforting me with her hand rubbing my back, now its obvious the tornado passed us , as i realised it, i let go of her  hand, i didn't notice it at first but it had left a mark , i clear my throat and she does the same , we both  got back to our seats and we finally hear from the radio that in some minutes it will be safe to get out.

To be continued..

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