CH.8- The dinner

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I was just about to enter the hospital, and it looks like Rey was about to do it too, he was waiting by the door, holding his phone to his ear.
As i passed by him i 'accidentally' overheard his conversation.

"Yes Dominique , i will be home by next week okay?"

Who the hell is Dominique? ,you know what i dont care, at least now i know he has a wife and won't try to get with my mother.

I go to my mother's room, without waiting for him to finish the call. This time, i bought flowers.i leave the flowers ontop of my moms feet.

My mom is sitting on her bed again, and my sister right beside her, they are reading a magazine.

They laugh at what they reed and they look at eachother funny.
"What are you guys reading?"

I say trying to engage in the conversation.
They look at eachother .

I know im overreacting, but im jealous. Yeah i know, i know i shouldn't be. But i guess it is my fault for not caring enough.
"Well okay i-"
I was about to say something but i get cut off by my mom's excited scream.

"REY !"
I look behind me, towards the door and its rey with a big white box and ontop of it, red roses.
He greets us , then approaches my mother and gives her a peck on the cheek.

I cringe.
Okay what the fuck was that?

"I wanted to officially ask you out on a dinner with your family, mi amor."
he opens the white box he brought with him and there it is a bloody red maxi dress, with beautiful  sparking details that wrapped around the waist, and a pair of ballerina flats polished in red , they look like they could  be worth more than my house.

I look at my mom and she's holding her mouth in surprise.
"Oh Rey how can I say no"
She says like she's about to cry from happiness.

You know i give it to this guy , he surprises.

Its the evening of the day we are supposed to have dinner with Rey as a family.
My mom insisted on me wearing a dress, so i gave in, i hadn't brought a dress with me so Zoe let me borrow one of hers, which was a bad idea because i don't know what i was thinking, me and my sister have different styles.

Me and my sister take a taxi , we go get my mom, who is already dressed  and we also take a taxi to the restaurant that Rey reserved a table to.

we say the address to the driver and we drive there .from the outside when we reach the place it looks like we probably couldn't afford it, even the glass on the windows look expensive and they probably are .

we get in we say the name in the reception and they lead us to a table ,there sits Rey ,he gets up from his seat as he sees us approaching .
he greets my mom while kissing her cheek and also greets us by kissing our hands like a gentleman.

we sit at the table and they start making an introduction, they want to announce something to us it seams.

I get a bit worried, i hope it's not what i think it is.
"Why don't we order some dinner first?"
My mom says and Rey agrees, we do too.
After we do, they again start to try to say something to us .

Rey says, while grabbing my mom's hand
"Me and your mother, decided that we want to be together."
Zoe claps in happiness, and i stay freezed, i was Jocking, i wasn't expecting it to actually be true.
The word escapes from my mouth and they look at me.

"I mean you have a wife!"
I shout , Hoping its going to make a difference.Rey Looks at me confused.
"No i don't at the moment"

"Oh yeah? Then who's Dominique?"
He looks at me again confused.
"Oh please don't pretend you don't --"
He cuts me off.
"Do you mean dominik?"
"AHA!,So you admit it!"

I cross ny arms like i was roght this whole time.My mom looks at me like she has lost all respect.
"Roxanne honey, please don't continue "
"Look mom im sorry you had to find out this way but--"

She cuts me off .
"Dominik is his son honey , your future step brother .... You got it mixed up. Its .. its okay"
She says with her soft voice.
"His what?"
I look disgusted , im so fucking stupid.
"You know what i... Um this was a bad idea"
I get up from my seat and leave.

3rd persons pov.

"Roxanne stop..."
Vera,  calls out for her daughter.But she just continues .

"It's ok mom , she'll get around.dont worry about her."
Her other daughter, zoe reassures her.
Roxanne's pov
I went outside, i just couldn't believe it. I don't know how to feel about this, i didnt want to have a new beginning, i just wanted to be alone with my family, is it too much to ask?
I mean yes i do want my mom to be happy.
I sigh as i take a taxi to return to the hotel.




To be continued.

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