CH.4- America

330 19 1

Hi would you like something to drink?"

the nice flight attendant asked with a smile on her face

" no thank you I'm good"

I say terrorised by my fear of heights as I try not to look out of the window, keeping my face looking straight. breathe ,I think to myself and I do ,I take a deep breath .

"everything okay?"

A weird accent asks from beside me, I look over and it's a muscular woman with pitch black hair.

" just a bit scared I've never been on a plane before "

I say my voice trembling a bit

"I'm Demi, do you maybe want to change seats?"she asks

"okay" I say with a no hesitation, she gets out of her seat and I do the same ,I let her pass and now I sit in the middle seat.
there was an awkward silence between us .

"soooo" she tries to start a conversation "
"what brings you to the States ?"

"Um family stuff "

I say more relaxed than before

" business stuff "
"oh so you're a business woman "
I say

"I guess you could say that"
But the conversation didn't last long.
After a while i got bored .

"Wanna put a movie on?"

I ask and we do. We were five hours in the flight now ,we had already finished two movies already.

"so which one did you like better?"
" I think the conjuring was better "

I say and her jaw drops "what ?how ?"

"come on the purge was 100 times better"
" no way! it was booooringggg"

we laughed and laughed talking about horror movies.
8 hours in the flight I fell asleep ,without realizing it .the seats were
uncomfortable but I found a way to sleep for a while ,just before we land demi wakes me up .

"hey !we're almost there" she Whispers while shaking me a bit.

I opened my eye realizing I was leaning against her shoulder all this time I jerk up and I apologized

"don't even think about it"
She says with a smile.

" did you sleep well?"
she asks
" I think so ,did you?"

" I usually don't sleep during flights"
Then the plane stops and we are ready to get off ,I say bye to Demi and I head out .

I carry my bag on my shoulder, flexing my muscles. I sign for a taxi hoping me and the driver can communicate, a taxi finally stopped and I got in ,where to?' he asked "XX hospital please" I say and we drive there.

I get inside the hospital

" hi where is Mrs Stavrou staying ?"
the secretary answers me and I head that way. fuck not again, I didn't bring anything other than myself. I knock and I find my mom sitting on the bed talking to a man

" sweetie you came!" she sees me and greets me"

how have you been ?"she asks hugging me

"fine mom what about you ?"
"oh everything is fine here"

I look behind her at the man who she was talking to she looks that way too
" oh let me introduce you two"

The man gets up my mom grabs him by his arm "sweetie let me introduce you to Rey "
"hi Rey"

I say confused not knowing how to react .I look at him up and down .

"hi Roxanne I've heard a lot about you "
he goes for a handshake I take his hand

" I can't say the same about you "
we share an awkward moment
"right ,I should get going "he says
"It was nice meeting you" he turns towards me once more and he walks out.
My mom looks at the time,

"Oh look its time for dinner "
She says and puts a jacket on, she takes her purse and puts some actual shoes on .
"come eat with me "
she says smiling softly while her eyes glow of happiness .
I can't remember the last time i saw her this happy .

"of course" I answer with a smile also.
I take her hand and we head to the cafeteria.




To be continued

My brother's best friend {Rhea ripley × Fem OC}Where stories live. Discover now