CH.2- A normal night

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(edited) long chapter ahead.

////Roxanne's POV////

After a while  I was done with my shift I grabbed my things and headed home I don't usually do that but today I had forgotten to take my workout bag.

When I reached home no one was there ,the lights were off and it was quiet like usual .

Before all this I really wished that the house was quiet but I miss the chaos now,  I never thought I would say that but here I am.

I grabbed my workout bag take everything else that I need and then head  to Pete's. Again on foot, it's not that far .

I knocked on the garage door , a yellowish colour, probably from the sun, it wasn't well kept, but pete wasted his money elsewhere, he didn't care about the house but i don't blame him.

There was loud music playing inside, loud enough to be heard from the outside but not  so that the neighbours    could  do something about it.
One of his friends opened the garage door, he welcomed me and let me in. I said I'm going to go change and he nodded.
I think his name is John but I'm not sure, I don't talk to him or anyone else really,he seems to be around a lot but I usually don't speak to other people when I work out, I like listening to music more.

I go change in the bathroom of course and I lock the door behind me. I wear  a  black sports bra and some blue  sports shorts . Then white athletic shoes (i forget what you call them in English)

Of course before I put my gloves on I wrap my hands in blue cloth

( i also don't know what you call this in English i think.. padding but not sure.)

I go out and there is pete, he sees me, and imidiately greets me.

"Hey haven't seen your pretty face around here in a while"

I look at him weird, what is he talking about

I ask

"Come on i live here, you've missed practice more than ten times this month..if you continue like this your muscles will become skinnier you know"

He says while grabbing my arm with his big hands. okay i have to admit, ive been more tired lately , i guess i didn't notice that ive been missing so much practice .
Pete is a jacked up dude, he has big muscles and wins almost every match, how is he never tired.

"Yeah i know, I've been distracted lately "
I make up an excuse, honestly i only came for practice today, because im fighting tonight.

"And what are you doing, wearing gloves  before you warm up?"

He scolds me and i take them off. I start warming up, running then punching and then some jumping, others lifted weights, stretched, and did push ups.

Then the fights start, john vs pete, john is a lot smaller than pete, but he has a good strategy from what ive seen of him, they both went into the ring and i hit the bell, announcing round one.

In underground fighting illegal punches and kicks are of course allowed,not in training tho, the bosses don't want someone to be hurt.... Or even worse before they even make money off of him .so yeah it sucks a bit, but i chose this path, theres no way back.

(Im not gonna be naming the moves because I'm not sure if they are called the same in every language 😭 i know it sucks but hear me out, i also don't remember a lot from what I've been taught from when i was younger)

Petes protective fist is his left hand, he starts with a right fist punch , right in johns face . I was surprised john didn't duck, i think pete was too.

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