28. Who Can I Trust

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Aisha's P.O.V.

The moment the car pulled off and I was on my way to a local Detroit hotel with my very confused and sleepy daughter sleeping in the seat next to me, I've had so many regrets.

Walking into the hotel room and slamming the door shut behind me, I've had so many regrets also.

Immediately after calling my father for help, I've had so many regrets.

Right now at this very moment, I have so many regrets.

Like... Should I have really walked away from Marshall?

My head tells me that I've made the right choice.

He is... he has to be a terrible person to be able to do what he has done and then speak about it so casually!!

He's admitted to me that he's had those men KILLED, and like... he haven't even blinked an eye, and that's so scary.

My daddy had to have been right about him after all, he isn't safe for neither me, nor our daughter to be around.

Sienna doesn't think so though.

She kept crying to me for her daddy to come back before she finally fell asleep. Asking about her daddy, saying she wants her daddy, telling me she doesn't understand why we've left.

And it breaks my heart, I feel like such a bitch, and a horrible mother.

I honestly hardly even know Sienna at this point, even if she is my own daughter. And to her, I must feel like a total stranger as well, just because of that. So, for me to have taken her away from the one person that absolutely adored her, it was plain cruel of me, and I don't even know what I was thinking. It was a totally impulsive decision.

Same as it was to call my daddy for help.

My father who is currently on a private jet flight from LA to Detroit. He's coming here to be there for me, and I would eventually fly back with him to LA no doubt. That seems to be my father's plan after all.

But right now as I sit waiting for him, my mind is all of a sudden playing the cruelest tricks on me.

Just as I'm finally convinced that Marshall is not the right person for me after all, I get like this rush of memories, all of these events from our past. I think about all of these times I'm now suddenly remembering, when he was always so damn gentle and good to me. I mean like, I know that he can be pretty freaking violent, but he could be so sweet as well, whenever he had thought nobody was actually looking.

I remember him reassuring me, back when I apparently had major stage fright. He used to encourage me to sing. That time we went to see... my... mother? And she rejected me in the worst way, Marshall comforted me. I remember crying on his chest so many nights after one of my bodyguards died taking a bullet for me, and I had felt so guilty. I remember getting sick at some party and Marshall taking care of me like a baby. I remember just spending time with him, long before we've ever gotten married, long before our baby girl Sienna was even born, and just always laughing together. I remember always feeling safe with him.

Which doesn't make any sense. Because how could I EVER possibly feel safe with such person as him?!

And I remember that I am so freaking in love with him. This boy literally is the love of my life, so how could I ever leave?!

So many emotions overwhelm me and I only keep it together for Sienna. The poor thing must be already traumatized enough as it is, and it's all my fault.

By the time my father finally arrives, I'm a complete mess.

He casually strolls into the room, having that same commanding if slightly intimidating presence and he hugs me, while curiously regarding Sienna.

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