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2 years ago

I was beaming with happiness as I ran up behind my boyfriend of a year now. "Keigo!" I yelled, hugging him tightly.

"Jeez Iris. You have energy today." Keigo smiled, giving me a peck on the lips.

Keigo was a 3rd year while I was only a 2nd year. (How does the math check out you might be asking...it's my story stfu)

We were always doing stuff together and even interned at the same agency when we could.

When I met him my first year from the sports festival I just thought he was awesome! He thought the same with me coming third without even using my quirk.

We eventually introduced and we became friends and now here we are.

I would be lying if I said I was upset he was graduating and he would be a pro. I chose to still support him all that I could.

"Aren't you excited Keigo!? You can have your own agency and maybe even work with All might!!" I said with bright eyes.

He didn't share the same excitement as me though and he could see my mood shift because of that.

"I'm sorry kid.." he gave me a kiss and looked deep into my eyes. That's when he backed away from me and told me the news.

"We should go on separate paths kid..."

I was devastated and started crying. That was the last time we spoke. He ended up graduating and going off to pursue becoming a pro hero. I was left to wonder if there was any way we could have remained together.

Yu was always by my side throughout all of it, but deep down I needed no one but him.

My love for him grew into hatred and I picked up some bad habits. Well actually I already did the stuff I did, but I just grew addicted...I wasn't proud of who I became because of him and Yu always had to take care of me.

..During my 3rd year I worked my ass off to be top of the class even without showing off my quirk and I wanted to prove something, but as I thought about it more..what could I prove..?

By the 2nd to last month of school I ended up just finishing for myself and decided to go back to school to find out what I actually wanted to do.

Every time I would go home I would see the headlines 'Pro Hero Hawks saves the city once again' it hurt seeing him do so well without me. After everything, but I couldn't show my weakness. I had to get over him.

I walked into class the next day and looked worse than I did before. I smelled like cigarettes and didn't even bother doing anything except stealing Hawks clothes because I didn't feel like going to my dorm.

I was barely on time to class and sat in the seat next to Yu. She only shook her head at me and grabbed the cigarettes out of my pocket. She stared at them and then me.

"At least it's not weed like 2nd year." She smiled, still not very impressed with me.

"Not my fault they were in his drawer..." I defended myself, placing my head on the desk.

"You really can't be left alone with him can you? He has you wrapped around his finger Ri." Yu gave me a comical laugh, but I wasn't amused

The door to the class opened as the bell rang and I quickly grabbed my cigarettes back from Yu and shoved them in my pocket. I was already in deep shit with Aizawa didn't need to be in even deeper shit.

Teachers pet (shota aizawa x student) Where stories live. Discover now