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I woke up the next morning with the worst headache ever. I was hungover and knew I wasn't going to class.

I got up and went to the fridge to get some water. I chugged half of it as I walked back over to my bed. I laid back down.

The time was 9:45. I was already 15 minutes late for class and I gave no fucks. I went on my phone and saw a text from almost 7 minutes ago.


I'm coming over.

Who is this??

I didn't get an answer. All I got was my door opening which caused shivers. I started to activate my quirk until I heard a familiar voice.


"Room on your left." I sighed, sitting up in my bed.

He walked into my room and instantly smiled. "You're alive!"

"Wish I wasn't.." I muttered. Somehow he heard me and instantly dropped his smile.

"Do you want anything? Food, something for a hangover?" He knew there wasn't much he could do for me, but still wanted to try.

"Don't you have class?" I asked, ignoring his question.

"I cancelled it the moment I saw you weren't there." He came to sit on the end of my bed.

"Isn't that suspicious? I'm not there and you randomly cancel?"

"I said I wasn't feeling well. It's not like there gonna find out I have a thing for a student."

"You smell like alcohol... did you drink more after you got back?" I questioned more.

"You ask so many questions, But yea I probably did. I can't remember."

I shook my head and just laid back down. "Go rest Aizawa." I dismissed him.

It was a few seconds before I felt him move. He didn't leave though. He laid next to me, and got comfortable in MY BED.

"What are you doing?"

"You told me to rest. I'm resting." Such a smartass...

"I meant go rest in YOUR bed, Not mine!" I started to push him off, but he pulled me close to him and nuzzled his head into my neck.

"Aizawa go to your bed!! You're probably still drunk."

"I'm not...I just want to be with you." I could hear him yawn and I was just in shock.

I stopped trying to push him away and let him hold me like his childhood teddy bear.

My heart was melting with this man's words. Hawks never did this with me, so it was all new..even if he was drunk, drunk words are sober thoughts.

I could feel the hold he had on me loosen as he fell into a deeper sleep. He looked like a child cuddling close to his parent.

I don't really know how else to describe himself right now. It was just so cute, I had to take a picture just to tease him for a while.

I went to the camera app and put my arm up in the air, also holding my phone. I got to the perfect spot to take the picture and pressed the white button to take it.

I clicked on the small box in the left corner to look at the picture and smiled. I put it as my wallpaper but blocked out the face just a bit incase someone were to go on my phone and see.


Are you free to come into the agency
At 12pm today???

Teachers pet (shota aizawa x student) Where stories live. Discover now