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Me and Hawks secretary were filling out the reports for hours.

It was 2am when I left the agency and Hawks just told me to go home.

I was surprised when he didn't offer to take me home or to go back to his place. Not that I wanted him too.

I took my phone out of my pocket and saw many missed calls and texts from Aizawa. The last one being sent an hour ago.

"I'm coming to your dorm."

I scrolled on the million texts and saw the following.

"I miss you."
"Answer meee"
"Are you ok?"

And then the last one he sent.

I don't know where the baby came from but he was probably still a little drunk when he sent that one.

I walked to the school and went straight to my dorm. Pretty much ignoring the fact that Aizawa might be in my room.

I let out a yawn before I put in my code and opened my door.

I wasn't even able to fully walk into my room before I felt lips on mine and hands roaming my body.

I melting into the kiss before he ruined it and pulled back.

"I missed you to much.. why didn't you text me?" He placed a few kisses on my neck before looking at me for an answer.

"I'm sorry if I made you worry. I was trying to fill out some paperwork." I pushed his face away and began to walk past.

I yawned again and went to my fridge to get some water.

"You gonna stay here or go home? You do have class and I have a feeling you still aren't fully sober." I took a sip of water and he instantly came to my side.

"You have class too. You shouldn't be out so late." He added.

"It's work Aizawa. I can't really say no. Plus it's Hawks fault, if he did his damn reports..." I felt his lips connect with mine before I could finish with my complaints.

"Why do we have to bring him up?" He asked.

"He's my boss Aizawa, Now please go home." I kissed him once and then went off to my room.

I let out a sigh when I heard my front door close. I was exhausted and didn't even change out of my hero costume.

I woke up early the next morning from my alarm. I hit it off my side table and buried my head back into my pillow.

"I fucking hate you Hawks..." I mumbled into the pillow.

I rolled over and stared at the ceiling. I was really gonna go to class on 4 hours of sleep.

Todays class started at 8am, we're going somewhere for class. I don't know, it was on the schedule I threw away.

I stood up from my bed and went to change out of my hero outfit and into school clothes.

By the time I was ready it was already 7:40 and I had to leave.

I didn't take anything with me except my phone and went out my door.

I walked through the halls and met up with Yu. She looked as happy as ever. I smiled and walked in her direction.

"Iris! I'm surprise you came today after your first day of work" she winked and walked next to me.

"Nothing happened except 2 heros doing hero work." I explained, rolling my eyes.

"2 hero's that were in love with each other and did a few things like a week ago." She leaned in and hit my shoulder with hers and smiled.

Teachers pet (shota aizawa x student) Where stories live. Discover now