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I couldn't leave myself how I was so I took a quick shower and cleaned up his room.

After cleaning the sheets and finding new ones I took my cigarettes out of my hoodie and my phone, walking outside.

I smoked as I scrolled through my many notifications. Most where from Insta and Snapchat. And then there was the hundred texts and calls from Hawks.

I called him and put it on speaker in case someone wanted to listen in on it.

He picked up after the first ring and quickly screamed my name.

"IRIS! IM SO GLAD YOU'RE ALIVE! WHERE ARE YOU!?" I covered my ears from his loud yelling.

"I'm somewhere, definitely not going back to my dorm tonight though." I took another hit and heard him snicker.

"So your smoking? I'll find you in a minute." He proceeded to hang up the phone.

"Shit.." I quickly put out my cigarette and went inside, closing the door and all the blinds in Aizawas apartment.

I tried to find him to tell him and he was no where to be seen. I was confused since he was literally about the fuck me not even an hour ago.

I soon heard knocking on the balcony door. Oh how I dreaded this moment. I went and slowly cracked the door open.

"Hey, why did you close all my blinds and lock everything? I was just going to get you more cigarettes and clothes." I heard Aizawas voice and immediately opened the door and rushed him inside.

I relocked the door frantically. He looked at me very confused and wanted to ask but I answered his question before he could even blink.

"Hawks is trying to find me. He knows I was outside smoking so I need to hide from him." I was begging for him to hide me somewhere but he didn't get the hint.

"Aizawa please hide me before I die later." I said being a little dramatic but I did not want to deal with Hawks right now. It's bad enough I got accepted into his agency and have to deal with being his side kick.

Aizawa finally led me somewhere which of course was his room. He told me to sit and put the bag on my lap.

"I'll tell him to fuck off if he comes over. He won't have you tonight." Aizawa said before turning his back to me and walking out the door.

I was relieved and looked through the bag of goodies he got for me. There was a shirt, pants, short, another shirt, and... questionable things that I don't wanna say. And my cigarettes he said he got for me!

I was actually surprised he got me more. Probably gonna steal some from me since he's so kind.

I changed into the shorts to be more comfortable and heard knocking.

"He is not seriously knocking on every door around this building just to find me..." i muttered.

I finally heard the knock I've been waiting for. I sat up against the door to hear the conversation.

"Hey Aizawa! Have you seen Iris? I swear she said she was in this building." He lied right to his face and Aizawa knew it.

"I haven't seen her since our training session." Aizawa also lied.

"Well I'm tired from all this flying and we need to talk anyway." I heard heavy footsteps from Hawks boots and muttered a few curse words to myself.

"I wasn't expecting any company over. What would we need to discuss?" I heard the front door shut and made a mental note to smack Aizawa later.

Teachers pet (shota aizawa x student) Where stories live. Discover now