Attempt of Murder Part 2

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Shadow's POV

Everything went quick in a blurr. There was a hallway full of students who was looking at the scene before them and now there is paramedics tending to the victim. Not just some retarded kid like Mido. But a friend.


Me and the others watched as the paramedics tried to keep her awake as they asked her what happened.

"Young lady, are you OK? What happened?" The paramedic asked. But it was hard since she was in real pain.

She didn't seem like answering them before Vaati came to her side, holding her hand tightly, "Gufuu.. Please, answer me. Are you OK?" And to the paramedic's surprise, she nodded in response. "What happened." Vattied asked.

"H-he s-stabbed me d-deep.... Her voice was weak, " B-before I could r-react..."

Vaati sighed, becoming really worried.

"Well Gufuu," one paramedic started, "We're gonna take you to the hospital and fix you up ok?" The paramedic said as Gufuu slowly nodded.

"We'll contact your guardian immediately." They said before getting into an ambulance and leaving quickly.

We were all still in shock. This happened so quick. Why must so many misfortune happen to her? What did she do to deserve this?

"Why do bad things happen to her? It doesn't seem fair for her... What did she do wrong to deserve this?" Red asked, sounding really sad for his female friend.

"Look all we can do for now is hope that she will be OK. She needs her rest and some time to recover. She did lose a lot of blood so it will take some time before she's strong enough to come back to school." Vio said as he patted the smaller boy's head.

God Vio is fucking hot when he talk smart to us. Dammit Shadow! There is no time to admire Vio's sexiness! Gufuu is hurt and could possibly die!!!

So many students was talking about this whole scene. I feel like they're saying "Good for her." Or "She deserves this misfortune." It makes me sick for people to think these things about innocent people. It's so annoying that I wish I could just go a tear off their flesh. Oh well...

He all looked at Vaati who just rejoined us after talking to the principal. "Was he chewing you out?" I asked, curious.

Vaati shook his head, "No. He told me that if its fine with Veran, I could skip school for a while until Gufuu is back on her feet." He answered.

"Are you?" Green asked.

Vaati shrugged, "If Gufuu needs me that bad, I wouldn't mind."

Well today sucked. School was let out early because of the incident so many students had to call their parents to come and get them. I was walking home with Vio. He was reading like always. I nudged his side, "Hey Vi. So that date tomorrow.."

He looked up at me, "What about it?"

"Are we still gonna have our date? I mean, with this situation going on."

"It's fine. We can still have it.."

He looked at him, surprised, "For real!? You're not joking right!?" I asked.

"I'm serious. Since you want the date so damn much.." Vio said, closing his book. "I'm gonna go. We're already there. See you tomorrow." Vio said before going inside.

I went to my house, and headed up to my room. My mom has so many pictures hanging up on the wall. Even pictures of Gufuu and Dark in which she refuses to take down. But Dark never seem bothered at all about seeing those picture everyday. It's weird. Really weird.

There is times I see him staring at the pictures. I wonder what goes through that head of his.

I shook off the thought as I went in my room, shutting my door as I dropped my bag by the door. I threw myself onto my bed and closed my eyes, taking my nap.


"........ Snore........ Snore........ Snore.... Sno-"



'MOTHERFUCKERS!!!!' Groaning in pain, I got up from the floor and rubbed my head. I winced as my head started to hurt, "Are you fucking serious?..." Groaning more, I held my head with my hand as I slowly leave my room and look at what's going on.



I can tell they are yelling at Dark. Of course they are really mad about this whole Conflict.

"SHE DESERVES IT! SHE REJECTED MY LOVE!" Dark yelled back before stomping his way up the stairs and into his room, ignoring me. (Lol someone is acting like a five year old)

I walk down the stairs, still holding my head, "Do ya'll have to be so loud? I literally fell off my bed and kissed the ground because of this yelling." I said as I look at my parents.

"We're sorry Shadow. We didn't mean to wake you from your nap." My dad said as he sat down on the couch, pinching the bridge of his nose, "We just can't believe he would go do something like this... We already gotten a call from Veran about Dark strangling poor Gufuu. Now she's gonna be more mad about this.."

I sighed, knowing how much stress they must be. I went back into my room and layed down on my bed. I look at a photo of my and Dark when we were younger. When did he become this... Monster?... He was never like this..... I can tell our parents is hurting because of his changed attitude. I sighed before curling up in a ball.

What happened to the caring brother I remembered?...

Hello everyone!!! Finally!!! I updated!!! (\°^°/) Are you proud of me?! Next chapter will be the date of Shadow Fuzen and Violet Akira!!! See ya next time!
-Lucina the Bunny

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