Coffee and a sleeping Gufuu

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Vio's POV

It was pretty much the same old day when there is school. But now pretty much I keep getting bothered by Shadow Fuzen. Like he seems to find a way to get me off guard. I don't even know how he can move quick like a shadow. Probably because his ancestor was one. I'm not sure. Maybe I'll see later.

It was pretty much the middle of the school day. Lunchtime. I grabbed my books from my locker. Right when I close it there was a hot breath on my neck.

"Hey sexy~" it was so surprising that I fell down on my butt.

The boy laughed and held out a hand for me to grab.

"Jeez Vi. Do I really scare you that bad?" The boy snickered. It was pretty much Shadow Fuzen.

I shot a glare at him and got up myself. "It's rude to scare people like that Shadow." I fixed my clothes and looked at him. "I thought you went with Green to the cafeteria with the others."

I said as I took a glance at him. His clothes were mostly black with chains, his ear was also pierced. Him and his brother looks so alike but Shadow has purple hair.

Shadow out his hands behind his head and smirked. "I told the others I'd go find you." He answered.

"Sure you did... C'mon, let's go with the others." I said as I walked towards the cafeteria.

Shadow walked besides me, walking really close which made me feel uncomfortable.

We finally got to the cafeteria before we saw Red waving at us. We walked towards the red boy and saw the others. Green sat on the same side with Red and Blue, Red sitting really close to Blue, and Vaati and Gufuu sat on the other side of them, Gufuu's head laying on Vaati's shoulder.

Me and Shadow took a seat across from each other.

"What's wrong with Gufuu?" Shadow asked.

"Gufuu stood up late, searching for a song to sing for the auditions for the spring festival." Vaati answered.

Me and Shadow nods, understanding her reason.

"She fell asleep in woodshop and almost got her hand sliced opened." Green said. "Me and her has to build something's by next month and while she was handling the saw to cut the wood I turn around and she was half asleep and almost cut her hand! Luckily I saved her. She almost gave me a heart attack."

"She was half asleep during cooking class! It was so scary! She almost chopped her fingers! We were working on a recipe and while I was cutting some fruits I saw her fall asleep and was close to cutting her own hand off! Luckily I saved her!" Red yelled out worriedly.

"Even in P.E. Class. Ganondorf threw a ball at her but she didn't pay attention so it just Hit her face." Blue included. "She was on Dark's team and when Ganon threw the ball at her, it hit her dead on in her damn face! Ganondorf was pissed that he was going to kill her."

"If this keeps up she might end up dissecting her own hand in chemistry." Vaati mentions.

We all nodded in agreement.

"She's really serious about this festival isn't she?" Green wondered.

"It has always been her dream.. Just to perform and show people she isn't a mistake in this world." Shadow said as he took a bite of his food. "Gufuu told me and Dark that when her and Dark was dating. He promised her that he will help make her dreams come true. But now, all he wants to do is crush it..."

"Wow.. That's cold. I wish there was a way to help her..." Green said as he poked his food.

"Maybe we could help by performing with her!" Red said excitedly as he jumped from his seat happily.

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