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Blue's POV

It was 8:35 when I woke up. I groaned as I sat up on my bed, rubbing my eye with the heel of my palm. I was still exhausted from yesterday when I raced Gufuu. I heard my phone ring. I got up and answered it. "*yawns* What?"

"Call the others and tell them to come to my house. Me and Vaati will be waiting." Gufuu replied.

"Alright.." I answered before hanging up. I texted Green, Red, Vio and Shadow Link;

"Meet at my house so we could head to Gufuu's."

Green: "alright."

Red: "Ok!"

Shadow: "Whatever."

Vio: "see you guys in a few minutes."

They answered. I got up from my bed to get ready.

Usually anyone angers me for disturbing my morning but it didn't really annoy me this time. I shrugged and just went to get ready.

After 5 minutes of getting ready, 'yes, five minutes. So what?!' I waited out on my Patio for the others. They came 10 minutes later. Ready to go. We all headed towards Gufuu's place.

"What do you guys think Gufuu wants us at her house for?" Red asked.

"Well it doesn't matter. She probably wants us to hang out at her place this time." Vio answered.

"Her place isn't that bad. It's just that her sister is really over protective of Gufuu. After that whole 'Dark Fuzen' problem." Shadow said as he walked besides Vio.

"Like what besides the rape and stuff happened between those two?" I asked.

"I shouldn't talk about it. Gufuu was in real pain. He made her so happy but than after she refused to have sex with him he forced her. Luckily I helped her. Than at school he raped her when she got there. That's all I could say. Gufuu's orders." Shadow answered. We all nodded, understanding Gufuu's reason.

We all talked on the way to her place. Once we got there we knocked and prayed her sister won't kill us. Until the door opened.

"Hey you guys!" Gufuu said happily. We all sighed with relief. "Well come in guys." She said as she led us in. We heard sounds of a silent snore. Hard to hear but when your a hylian you can hear it.

We saw Vaati sleeping on the couch of the Yakunan family home. He slept so peacefully with a blanket on him. "How long has he been here?" I asked as I snickered at Vaati for how he slept. Clearly he was curled up on the damn couch. How is it NOT funny?!

"Elzo had to go on some business trip and Veran agreed in letting Vaati stay here until Elzo comes back." Gufuu answered.

"So your like babysitting him?" I said as I chuckled.

"No. We are just letting him stay here." Gufuu said as she sat by the sleeping Vaati. "He sleeps in our guest room but he was down here when I came to get something to drink last night at midnight."

"What happened?" Green wondered.

"Did he have a nightmare?" Red asked worriedly.

"He just couldn't sleep. We have been talking for about 2 hours before he fell asleep. I was tired myself so I went to my room to grab a blanket and put it on Vaati before falling asleep on the other couch." She explained.

"Wow. What a baby." I said as I laughed. I than got a smack on the face from Gufuu. "Don't you ever shut your mouth!? He needs his sleep." She said angrily to me.

"Ok ok. Jeez." I said as I crossed my arms angrily. We all sat down and talked. Gufuu sat on the ground where the couch Vaati is sleeping in.

We were telling jokes, asking questions about each other. All those boring things.

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