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OK! I HAVE MAJOR QUESTIONS! Now, you may be wondering what this is about. Imma make one thing clear, this is not about Viox shadow or Blue x Red. I like those ships and those ships will stay (well technically it's not really my favorite any more because Chrobin became my favorite ship. Love ma male robin x Chrom -3-) But this is about a ship in this story. Wait for it................................................................................................................................................................................................................................................... Vaati x Gufuu.

Yes. I mean it. Now Imma be honest, I used to like them as a couple for this story. But after a while. It became weird to me. If you have read Seven Swords you may have noticed that in it, Vaati is Gufuu's creator or Father in this case. And Four Swords High school is basically the characters as descendents of the characters from Seven Swords. So I have a question. Do ya'll like Vaati x Gufuu? Do yall not like Vaati x Gufuu? Please let me know!

-Commander Aliyah

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