Painful History

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Red's POV

I woke up in the morning, yawning. As i rubbed my tired eyes with the heel of my palm I looked at the time and date on my alarm clock. It was 8:35, Saturday morning. I got out of bed and looked at my phone that was sitting on my dresser next to my bed. I remembered all the events that happened yesterday. We fought against Dark Fuzen and became great friends.

I took it out of the charger and left it on the dresser.

I left my room to go and change. I headed for the bathroom and started to change.

There was than a knock on the bathroom door. "Red hunny is that you?" It was my mom.

"Yeah! I just woke up" I answered back.

"Well breakfast is ready on the table for you."

"Thanks mom." I said as she replied "Your welcome" and left. I finally finished getting dressed and headed down to the kitchen and sat down to eat.

It was eggs with bacon and hash browns. I smiled in delight as I started to eat. After I finished eating I was gonna head for my room until my father called for me. I answered "Yeah?"

"There's someone here that wants to see you."

I ran towards the door to see who it was. Pretty much it was Blue Green Vio and Shadow Link. They all smiled when they saw my face.

"Hey Red." They all said. I smiled and waved "Hi!"

"We were wondering if you wanted to hang out." Green said.

I looked at my father "Can I?"

My father smiled and ruffled my hair "Go ahead Red." I smiled and thanked my father before going with my friends. After we left my driveway Shadow said "Ok so we still need to see if Vaati and Gufuu has time to hang. Since we are friends now we should get to know each other and have fun."

We all nodded in agreement.

After probably 30 minutes of walking, we got to Vaati's house. The house had a bit of a lavender touch on it. We all walked up to the driveway and knocked on the door.

After a few minutes of waiting someone answered the door. There was an old man with a long white beard.

"Hello young ones. What brings you here?" He asked us.

"Um we came to see Vaati Kaze?" Vio asked.

"Oh that boy. You must be his friends right?"

We all nodded.

"Well come in. He's in his room probably still sleeping."

We all thanked him and headed inside. The house seemed nice. There was some books about the Minish kind.

"Are you a Minish or something?" Vio asked. The old man nodded "Yes. The names Elzo young lad."

Vio shook Elzo's hand "It's nice to meet you sir. So if your a Minish than what would it make Vaati?" He asked curiously.

"A Minish and hylian." Elzo answered

Vio nodded and headed upstairs with the others. We went down the hall until they saw a lavender door. There was something carved into the door. The language was probably Minish.

"What does it say?" I asked.

"It says "Open if you dare." Vio answered.

We all looked at the door for a couple more minutes and knocked on the door. There wasn't an answer. Before one of us knocked again the door knob turned.

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