Vidow Date

602 23 27

Vio's PoV

After that whole attempt of murder incident, it is now Friday. Also the date.... Sigh... I feel like I'm gonna regret this so much. Probably because its a date. With Shadow. Shadow Fuzen; the boy who's ancestor is probably a shadow. Oh well... I might as well pray to the goddesses to save me.

Shadow wanted to spend a whole day together so that sort of sucked.... A lot.. Since there wasn't any school today because of the incident. I sighed to myself as I looked in the mirror. I was wearing a white dress shirt with a purple tie, dark purple dress pants and matching dress shoes. My hair was just in its normal way as it always have been. I took a deep breath before hearing my doorbell ringing, 'Time to die...' I thought to myself before leaving my room, making sure I have my phone and wallet with me.

Before I even reached the stairs I can hear my mom squealing, "HE'S SO CUTE AND HANDSOME!!!! PERFECT FOR MY LITTLE VIOLET!!!!!"

'Oh god... -.-' I went down the stairs quickly and saw my mom smothering Shadow with so many questions. He was wearing a white dress shirt, black tie, black jeans and sneakers. Dress shirt and tie....... Probably Gufuu's doing. Shadow's attention was on me as soon as I came down the stairs, "Hey Vi! Y-you look a-absolutely great today." Shadow complimented, 'Yep.. Gufuu's doing.

I cleared my throat, "T-thank you... Shall we go already? As in now." I said before grabbing Shadow's wrist and dragging him away from my house and my crazy mom.

~Timeskip to town~

Shadow decided that we could just walk around town until its time to go to dinner at some restaurant. To be honest, its not as bad as I thought it would be. I was soon taken out of my thoughts when Shadow nudged me, "Hey Vi. Ya wanna go buy some flowers or something for Gufuu?.. She did have to get stitched up yesterday and she should be awake by now." Shadow suggested.

"It would be nice to see how she's doing," I replied back, smiling a bit. We headed off to the florist to pick out some flowers. It took awhile since we didn't know if Gufuu was allergic to anything until Shadow informed me that she is actually allergic to nuts.

We decided to get her some purple orchids in a vase. We paid for the flowers and signed the card that went with it before heading off to the store since Shadow wanted to get her a stuffed toy. He bought two plushies and we headed straight for the hospital.


As soon as we reached the hospital we talked to the lady at the front desk for Gufuu's room. She gave us Gufuu's room number and we headed onto our way. As we headed to our destination up ahead we could see Veran pacing back and forth in the hallway while being on the phone. It must've been really serious because she was stressing alot. Shadow caught her attention and pointed go room as if asking if we could go see Gufuu. She replied with a nod and continued talking on the phone.

We headed inside and saw Gufuu laying down in the bed, awake while holding Vaati's hand to assure him that shes going to be fine, "Hey Fuu-chan," Shadow started, catching the lovebird's attention, "We decided to visit you and bought you some gifts." He said, pointing to the vase of flowers I was holding.

She smiled sweetly, "Thank you... I'm glad you guys decided to visit me. Red keeps blowing up my phone with many text messages asking if I was ok. So my darling little grape right here is getting jealous," Gufuu said as she points to Vaati who flushed in embarrassment.

"Fuu-chan! I don't like being called a grape!" Vaati whined.

Gufuu giggled, "I know darling. I just find it really funny and cute when you whine like that.

I smiled, it was good to see Gufuu smiling again. " Well can I give you your gift now Fuu-chan?" Shadow asked innocently.

Gufuu nodded in response, "I want you to meet a special friend of mines. Meet DUCKY MO-MO!!!" Shadow said as he showed Gufuu the stuffed duck. She screamed in pure terror as she latched onto Vaati, "KEEP THAT THING AWAY FROM ME YOU LITTLE FUCK!!!" Gufuu screamed angrily as Shadow laughed.

"Aw but Gufuu he's practically harmless!!!" Shadow said before putting the duck down and giving her a stuffed brown bear with a top hat and microphone, "Here's your real gift," Shadow said, still giggling from what he did earlier.

Soon we left the hospital and headed to the park. It was the afternoon already and it was getting a bit cold since its nearing winter. It was time that we headed to our dinner reservation at a fancy restaurant at which I am surprised he would take us someplace like this.


"Shadow how the hell did you get reservations at someplace so expensive. Please tell me you didn't steal someone else's reservation." I asked, almost pleading in hope he did NOT do that.

Shadow laughed, "Calm down Violet. My family practically owns the place." Shadow explained.

".......... What?..." I asked, feeling my eye twitch at what I just heard, "Y-you're joking right?... Just tell me you stole someone else's reservation and we can get this over with."

"I-I'm not joking Vi! Why would I lie to you!? I'd only lie to you unless I had a good reason! You can even ask Gufuu!" Shadow exclaimed with a whine.

I wasn't sure if I could believe him but the fact that he was whining like a baby told me otherwise. And if Gufuu did say he was telling the truth, she couldn't be lying either unless she has to. So I guess he didn't steal someone else's reservation? Gonna be hard to believe it but I gotta live with it.

While entering the restaurant it had a romantic feel. Wait a second, is it those kind of restaurants where at the end the couple ends up fucking? Dammit! How the actual fuck did I not notice this as soon as we entered the restaurant in the first place!? I usually realize this quickly! Am I that blind!? God dammit I really need to start wearing my glasses again!

"Uh Vi? Are you OK there?... You're making weird faces and its attracting alot of attention. Mainly mines," Shadow purred, getting my attention. Looking around the room he was right, a few people was giving me weird looks........ Well I fucked up... Thanks alot Shadow....

~Time Skip~

The end of the night. To be honest, I've wondered to myself if I made a good decision or a bad decision about agreeing to go out with Shadow. I'm not sure if I really started developing feelings for him. T-that's impossible though! There's no way I'd start falling for someone like him! He'll end up distracting me from my work and I might become an A- Student! That's not gonna look good on my school records! I need to talk to someone about this... Maybe Gufuu? I'm pretty sure she can help me with my problem.

"Vi?" I heard Shadow call out as he nudged me. Shaking out of my thoughts, I turn to him, giving him my usual poker face, "Yes Shadow?"

"We're here." Shadow answered.

Giving him a confused look I look at the building and see it's my house.......... We were just leading the restaurant how the fuck did I not notice!? Clearing my throat I turn back to Shadow, "T-thank you. I'll see you on Monday.." I said quickly before he could say anything else.

Of course, I wasn't fast enough. Before I was even able to step back into my house I felt him grab my wrist and pull me back and kissing me on the lips. Shit, not again! I thought to myself.

He soon pulled away, a light blush on his face as he let go of my wrist, "See ya." He said before he left. I stood there for a while, looking straight into nothingness as I had one thought going through my head:

Am I falling for him?

Aloha my beauties! I am NOT dead! Just had alot of things going on in my life! New boyfriend, birthday, prom, and other things that I don't even remember! But I finally updated the Vidow date! Hope ya'll are happy! No lemons in this because I had never written anything like that and I'm not sure if I will! I'll see ya'll next chapter!
-Commander Aliyah

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